

Volga 16 Str., Plovdiv 4000
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 1990
Employees: 20-49
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157 Product and services

Organic Floral Basil Water For Oily Skin
Organic Floral Basil Water For Oily Skin
Product obtained by distillation of basil leaves and inflorescences - Ocimum basilicum. Organic basil water has anti-inflammatory action, moisturizes ...
Rose Water - 1 Liter
Rose Water - 1 Liter
Rose Water - 1 Liter...
Cedar Essential Oil - Juniperus Virginiana - 10 ml
Cedar Essential Oil - Juniperus Virginiana - 10 ml
Cedar oil favors mental activity, concentration, balances emotions, inspires security and confidence. It is used for infections of the respiratory sys...
Basil Essential Oil - Ocimum Basilicum - 5 ml
Basil Essential Oil - Ocimum Basilicum - 5 ml
Usable part: leaves, flowering tips Chemical composition: camphor, cyniol, estragol, eugenol, linenol, pinene, methylsalvikol, ocimen, etc. Aroma: str...
Tea Tree Essential Oil - Melaleuca Alternifolia - 10 ml
Tea Tree Essential Oil - Melaleuca Alternifolia - 10 ml
Tea tree essential oil promotes increased attention, concentration, relieves tension and anxiety. Strengthens the body's resistance. It is useful for ...
Massage Oil Against Fatigue and Pain In Muscles and Joints Eterika 50 mlNext
Massage Oil Against Fatigue and Pain In Muscles and Joints Eterika 50 ml
It is applied with light massage movements on clean skin for general relaxation and relaxation of the body. The oil can also be used to massage areas ...
Combination of natural essential oils - mint, eucalyptus, lemon, juniper. Clarifies the mind and purifies the body. Charges with energy and vitality.
Organic Floral Pine Water For All Skin Types - 100 ml
Organic Floral Pine Water For All Skin Types - 100 ml
Obtained by distillation of needles and pine branches of Scots pine - Pinus sylvestris. Organic pine water tones, hydrates and softens the skin. Suita...
Lemon Essential Oil - Citrus Limon - 10 ml
Lemon Essential Oil - Citrus Limon - 10 ml
Lemon oil refreshes, invigorates, creates mood, banishes bad thoughts. Helps to strengthen concentration, attention and efficiency. Increases the body...
Orange Essential Oil - Citrus Sinensis - 10 ml
Orange Essential Oil - Citrus Sinensis - 10 ml
Orange oil is a fragrance of happiness and joy of life. Effectively copes with depression, chases bad thoughts, creates a good mood. Supports the dige...
Avocado Oil - 30 ml
Avocado Oil - 30 ml
Avocado oil is one of the most beneficial vegetable oils in cosmetics. With its fine texture, it absorbs easily and can be applied therapeutically aga...
Soothing Oil For Sensitive Facial SkinNext
Soothing Oil For Sensitive Facial Skin
Delicate face oil that soothes, restores and maintains the good appearance of sensitive skin. Strengthens and improves its structure and elasticity. P...
Colvita Food Supplement, 60-120 Capsules
Colvita Food Supplement, 60-120 Capsules
Keeps the skin inside by making it smooth, supple and silky Hydrates the deepest layers of the skin Applied regularly, slows down the aging process of...
Clove Essential Oil - Eugenia Caryophyllata - 10 ml
Clove Essential Oil - Eugenia Caryophyllata - 10 ml
Massage: at muscular and nervous tension 2 k. cloves and 3 k. lavender per 50 ml of base oil (almond, wheat germ, apricot, grape seeds); in case of fa...
Fungi Stop
Fungi Stop
The power of nature! A combination of natural essential oils - tea tree, lavender, basil. The combination of essential oils is useful for fungal infec...

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COD - Cash on Delivery

Location and contact

AddressVolga 16 Str., BG-4000 Plovdiv

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