Barrio Sollagua n- 21. Barcena de Cícero, CP 39796 ., Barcena De Cícero 39796
Delivery: National
Founded: 2008
Employees: 5-9
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About us
We are importers of equipment manufactured in ITALY. We design, budget, and install bodywork and painting workshops. We market everything necessary for a body shop: paint booths, straightening benches, lifts, welding equipment, compressors, tool carts, IR lamps, and booth filters. We specialize in the installation of Endothermic panels, aimed at saving on diesel consumption for body and paint workshops. We carry out the disassembly and assembly of used installations.
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AddressBarrio Sollagua n- 21. Barcena de Cícero, CP 39796 ., ES-39796 Barcena De Cícero
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