

Duatepe mahallesi küçük sanayi sitesi I blok c14 Tire izmir, Izmir 35900
Employees: 50-99
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5 Product and services

Epoxy Table - Dining Table
Epoxy Table - Dining Table
Our table filled with epoxy showcases the magnificent texture of the olive tree.
Epoxy Table - Epoxy Tables
Epoxy Table - Epoxy Tables
Our epoxy tables made from olive wood...
160cm epoxy table - Sea view epoxy table
160cm epoxy table - Sea view epoxy table
Walnut wood epoxy table. Round table with sea and river effects.
Epoxy Chair
Epoxy Chair
Epoxy application on a chair made of Gürgen wood...
Epoxy Table - Dining Table
Epoxy Table - Dining Table
Walnut wood dining table with epoxy filling, 260 x 100 cm...

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Location and contact

AddressDuatepe mahallesi küçük sanayi sitesi I blok c14 Tire izmir, TR-35900 Izmir

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