

Langenberger Str. 32, Velbert 42551
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 1932
Employees: 1000+
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226 Product and services

180° Screw-On HingeNext
180° Screw-On Hinge
EMKA offers a comprehensive range of locking technology with a system from a single source. The modular program structure allows for a unique variety ...
180° Screwable HingeNext
180° Screwable Hinge
With "Made in EMKA," a wide range of locking systems is offered by a single supplier. The modular structure programs provide a unique variety of locks...
180° HingeNext
180° Hinge
EMKA offers a comprehensive range of locking technology from a single source. The modular program structure allows for a unique variety of variants in...
Stainless steel quarter turn with cylinderNext
Stainless steel quarter turn with cylinder
EMKA offers a comprehensive product range of ingenious locking technology from a single source. The modular program structure allows a unique variety ...
180° and 270° screwable hingeNext
180° and 270° screwable hinge
With "Made in EMKA," a wide range of locking systems is offered by a single supplier. The modular structure programs provide a unique variety of locks...
Twist-Lock Closure with Optical Opening IndicatorNext
Twist-Lock Closure with Optical Opening Indicator
EMKA offers a comprehensive range of locking technology from a single source. The modular program structure allows for a unique variety of options inc...
Stainless steel quarter turn with lockNext
Stainless steel quarter turn with lock
This is an automatic translation. EMKA offers a wide range of systematic locking technology from a single source. The modular structure of the progra...
Butterfly Connector IP 65Next
Butterfly Connector IP 65
With "Made in EMKA," a wide range of locking systems is offered by a single supplier. The modular structure programs provide a unique variety of locks...
Security turn bolts - with lock eye coverNext
Security turn bolts - with lock eye cover
This is an automatic translation. EMKA offers a wide range of systematic locking technology from a single source. The modular structure of the progra...
120° hingeNext
120° hinge
EMKA offers a comprehensive product range of ingenious locking technology from a single source. The modular program structure allows a unique variety ...
Compression Quarter Turn - Short Housing GH = 18Next
Compression Quarter Turn - Short Housing GH = 18
This is an automatic translation. EMKA offers a wide range of systematic locking technology from a single source. The modular structure of the progra...
90° concealed hingeNext
90° concealed hinge
EMKA offers a comprehensive product range of ingenious locking technology from a single source. The modular program structure allows a unique variety ...
EMKA offers a comprehensive range of locking technology from a single source. The modular program structure allows for a unique variety of variants in...
Swivel Handle with Push Button 1185 - for Tongue or Rod LockNext
Swivel Handle with Push Button 1185 - for Tongue or Rod Lock
EMKA offers a comprehensive range of locking technology solutions from a single source. The modular program structure allows for a unique variety of o...
Hinges for aluminum profilesNext
Hinges for aluminum profiles
This is an automatic translation. EMKA offers a wide range of systematic locking technology from a single source. The modular structure of the progra...

Location and contact

AddressLangenberger Str. 32, DE-42551 Velbert

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