

Wijtschotbaan 5, Schoten 2900
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 1985
Employees: 20-49
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3 Product and services

MORNSUN B1205S-1WR2 converter - DC/DC converter with 12V input voltage and 5V output voltage
MORNSUN B1205S-1WR2 converter - DC/DC converter with 12V input voltage and 5V output voltage
The B1205S-1WR2 dc/dc converter features a fixed input and an isolated & unregulated single output. These units from Mornsun are extremely reliable an...
PULS UB20.241 - DC-UPS 24 V / 20 A with the one-battery concept.
PULS UB20.241 - DC-UPS 24 V / 20 A with the one-battery concept.
The UB20.241 is an addition to a standard 24V power supply designed to bridge power outages, thereby preventing long restart times, data loss, and cos...
PULS CP10.241 power supply - 1-phase power supply with 24 VDC / 10A output
PULS CP10.241 power supply - 1-phase power supply with 24 VDC / 10A output
This electronic power supply is the flagship of the PULS products. With a width of only 39mm on the DIN rail and an efficiency of 95.2%, it ranks amon...

Location and contact

AddressWijtschotbaan 5, BE-2900 Schoten
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