

Maltepe Mah Litrosyolu Sok No 2-4, 2 matbaacilar sitesi 4na16 topkapi, Istanbul 34010
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 1998
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About us
As EKO BAG, we manufacture paper, cardboard, kraft bags, and pouches, offering competitive prices and payment terms for sales both domestically and internationally. We are looking for business partners from European countries.

2 Product and services

Cardboard bag - a cardboard bag with string handles made from cardboard
Cardboard bag - a cardboard bag with string handles made from cardboard
54x38 13 cm cardboard horizontal bag with rope handles. It offers a prestigious advertising medium for stores. You can make your products more attra...
Cardboard bag - a cardboard bag with string handles made from cardboard
Cardboard bag - a cardboard bag with string handles made from cardboard
Cardboard bag with rope handles, measuring 42x36x13 cm. Offers a prestigious advertising medium for stores. You can make your products more attractive...

Payment methods

SWIFT transfer
SWIFT transfer
SWIFT transfer
Bill of exchange
Bill of exchange
Credit card
Mail transfer

Payment terms

C/D (or CAD) - Cash against Documents also D/P - Documents against Payment
COD - Cash on Delivery
D/C - Documentary Collection
SLOC - Standby Letter of Credit

Location and contact

AddressMaltepe Mah Litrosyolu Sok No 2-4, 2 matbaacilar sitesi 4na16 topkapi, TR-34010 Istanbul

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