

In der Oberaue, Dornburg-Camburg 07774
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 1990
Employees: 20-49
Supplier type
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48 Product and services

Spreader screens - Exclusiv, 22 x 26 cm, packaging unit: unit carton/pallet: 200/3.200
Spreader screens - Exclusiv, 22 x 26 cm, packaging unit: unit carton/pallet: 200/3.200
Spreader screens - Exclusiv, 22 x 26 cm, packaging unit: unit carton/pallet: 200/3.200...
Paint trays - size 1 SE, 15 x 30 cm, packaging unit: unit carton/pallet: 200/3.600
Paint trays - size 1 SE, 15 x 30 cm, packaging unit: unit carton/pallet: 200/3.600
Paint trays - size 1 SE, 15 x 30 cm, packaging unit: unit carton/pallet: 200/3.600...
Advertising articles - Caddy trailer for gulf bags
Advertising articles - Caddy trailer for gulf bags
Advertising articles - Caddy trailer for gulf bags...
Pack boxes
Pack boxes
Pack boxes...
Spreader screens - Exclusiv, 18 x 21 cm, packaging unit: unit carton/pallet: 360/5.760
Spreader screens - Exclusiv, 18 x 21 cm, packaging unit: unit carton/pallet: 360/5.760
Spreader screens - Exclusiv, 18 x 21 cm, packaging unit: unit carton/pallet: 360/5.760...
Spreader screens - Exclusiv, 22 x 26 cm G, packaging unit: unit carton/pallet: 200/3.200
Spreader screens - Exclusiv, 22 x 26 cm G, packaging unit: unit carton/pallet: 200/3.200
Spreader screens - Exclusiv, 22 x 26 cm G, packaging unit: unit carton/pallet: 200/3.200...
Advertising articles - plates for payment
Advertising articles - plates for payment
Advertising articles - plates for payment...
Spreader screens - Exclusiv, 12 x 18 cm, packaging unit: unit carton/pallet: 250/9.000
Spreader screens - Exclusiv, 12 x 18 cm, packaging unit: unit carton/pallet: 250/9.000
Spreader screens - Exclusiv, 12 x 18 cm, packaging unit: unit carton/pallet: 250/9.000...
Advertising articles - Bottle opener
Advertising articles - Bottle opener
Advertising articles - Bottle opener...
Technical products - The sanitary machine industry
Technical products - The sanitary machine industry
Technical products - The sanitary machine industry...
Buckets - 8 litres bucket, Interior, litre partitioning, packaging unit: unit...
Buckets - 8 litres bucket, Interior, litre partitioning, packaging unit: unit...
Buckets - 8 litres bucket, Interior, litre partitioning, packaging unit: unit...
Lids - lid for 8 litres bucket, packaging unit: unit carton/pallet: 50/1.400
Lids - lid for 8 litres bucket, packaging unit: unit carton/pallet: 50/1.400
Lids - lid for 8 litres bucket, packaging unit: unit carton/pallet: 50/1.400...
Technical products
Technical products
Technical products...
Buckets & lids
Buckets & lids
Buckets & lids...
Buckets - 12 litres bucket, Interior, spoud on side, litre partitioning, packaging...
Buckets - 12 litres bucket, Interior, spoud on side, litre partitioning, packaging...
Buckets - 12 litres bucket, Interior, spoud on side, litre partitioning, packaging...

Available type of delivery (incoterms)


Location and contact

AddressIn der Oberaue, DE-07774 Dornburg-Camburg

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