

c/ Aribau 15, 5/4, Barcelona 08011
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About us
Digital Samba has 19 years of experience being at the cutting-edge of the video communication and virtual collaboration industries. The company's expertise has resulted in a well-received and popular European and award-winning video conferencing software suite recommended by 90% of users (according to G2 Spring and Summer Reports 2022). Digital Samba's customers include world-renowned companies like McDonald's, Deloitte, Ferrari, Raiffeisen Centrobank, American Express, etc.

3 Product and services

Digital Samba for Webinars
Digital Samba for Webinars
Host the webinar your brand deserves Match your brand style with cool features like custom colours, fonts, and many more. Make your webinar look prof...
Digital Samba for Meetings
Digital Samba for Meetings
Have the meeting your brand deserves Match your brand's style with cool features like custom colours, fonts, and more. Make your meeting look profess...
Digital Samba for Education
Digital Samba for Education
Well-organised online classes Share files with your students and make real-time annotations. Use the whiteboard feature to make notes, diagrams, or d...

Location and contact

Addressc/ Aribau 15, 5/4, ES-08011 Barcelona

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