

Nagolder Straße 61, Ebhausen 72224
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 1993
Employees: 100-199
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129 Product and services

Plasma Surface Treatment System | Tetra 2800
Plasma Surface Treatment System | Tetra 2800
Low-pressure plasma system, plasma surface treatment system, plasma cleaner - plasma systems from Diener electronic have long established themselves i...
Atmospheric Plasmasystem | PlasmaBeam Mini - Atmospheric-pressure Plasma system, Plasma-Surface-Treatment-System
Atmospheric Plasmasystem | PlasmaBeam Mini - Atmospheric-pressure Plasma system, Plasma-Surface-Treatment-System
Plasma systems from Diener electronic have long since established themselves in a wide variety of industrial sectors. With the atmospheric pressure pl...
Plasma-Surface-Treatment-System | Tetra 320R - Low-pressure Plasma system, Plasma-Surface-Treatment-System, Plasma Cleaner
Plasma-Surface-Treatment-System | Tetra 320R - Low-pressure Plasma system, Plasma-Surface-Treatment-System, Plasma Cleaner
Plasma systems from Diener electronic have long since established themselves in a wide range of industrial sectors. With the Tretra 320R low-pressure ...
Vacuum chamber | VC P400X600 - Vacuum chamber made of extruded aluminium profilesNext
Vacuum chamber | VC P400X600 - Vacuum chamber made of extruded aluminium profiles
The Vacuum Chamber VC P400X600 is made of a unique, flexible chamber system based on extruded aluminium profiles. The three meter long profiles are c...
Vacuum chamber | VC P150x160 - Vacuum chamber made of extruded aluminium profilesNext
Vacuum chamber | VC P150x160 - Vacuum chamber made of extruded aluminium profiles
The Vacuum Chamber VC P150x160 is made of a unique, flexible chamber system based on extruded aluminium profiles. The three meter long profiles are cu...
Vacuum chamber | VC P240X240 - Vacuum chamber made of extruded aluminium profilesNext
Vacuum chamber | VC P240X240 - Vacuum chamber made of extruded aluminium profiles
The Vacuum Chamber VC P240X240 is made of a unique, flexible chamber system based on extruded aluminium profiles. The three meter long profiles are cu...
Atmospheric Plasmasystem | PlasmaBeam RT - Atmospheric-pressure Plasma system, Plasma-Surface-Treatment-SystemNext
Atmospheric Plasmasystem | PlasmaBeam RT - Atmospheric-pressure Plasma system, Plasma-Surface-Treatment-System
Plasma systems from Diener electronic have long since established themselves in a wide variety of industrial sectors. With the atmospheric pressure pl...
Plasma Surface Treatment | Tetra 30 - Low Pressure Plasma Surface Treatment System, Plasma Cleaning
Plasma Surface Treatment | Tetra 30 - Low Pressure Plasma Surface Treatment System, Plasma Cleaning
Diener electronic's plasma systems have long established themselves in various industrial sectors. With the Tetra 30 low-pressure plasma system, you a...
Vacuum Chamber | VC P700D - Vacuum Chamber made of extruded aluminum profilesNext
Vacuum Chamber | VC P700D - Vacuum Chamber made of extruded aluminum profiles
Our VC P700D vacuum chamber is made from a unique flexible chamber system, based on extruded aluminum profiles. The three-meter-long profiles are cut ...
Plasma-Surface-Treatment-System | Zepto - Low-pressure Plasma system, Plasma-Surface-Treatment-System, Plasma Cleaner
Plasma-Surface-Treatment-System | Zepto - Low-pressure Plasma system, Plasma-Surface-Treatment-System, Plasma Cleaner
Plasma systems from Diener electronic have long since established themselves in a wide range of industrial sectors. With the Zepto low-pressure plasma...
Plasma Surface Treatment System | Tetra 150
Plasma Surface Treatment System | Tetra 150
Low-pressure plasma system, plasma surface treatment system, plasma cleaner - Plasma systems from Diener electronic have long established themselves i...
Atmospheric Plasma System | PlasmaBeam - Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Surface Treatment System
Atmospheric Plasma System | PlasmaBeam - Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Surface Treatment System
Diener electronic's plasma installations have long established themselves in various industrial sectors. With the atmospheric pressure plasma installa...
Plasma-Surface-Treatment-System | Femto - Low-pressure Plasma system, Plasma-Surface-Treatment-System, Plasma Cleaner
Plasma-Surface-Treatment-System | Femto - Low-pressure Plasma system, Plasma-Surface-Treatment-System, Plasma Cleaner
Plasma systems from Diener electronic have long since established themselves in a wide range of industrial sectors. With the Femto low-pressure plasma...
Vacuum chamber | VC M1000² - Modular aluminum vacuum chambersNext
Vacuum chamber | VC M1000² - Modular aluminum vacuum chambers
The VC M1000² is based on our new modular chamber system. The system consists of individual, fully milled aluminum modules with a depth of 500mm. Thus...
Vacuum Chamber | VC P110x120 - Vacuum Chamber made of extruded aluminum profilesNext
Vacuum Chamber | VC P110x120 - Vacuum Chamber made of extruded aluminum profiles
Our VC P110x120 vacuum chamber features an exceptional flexible chamber system, based on extruded aluminum profiles. These three-meter-long profiles c...

Payment methods

SWIFT transfer

Available type of delivery (incoterms)


Location and contact

AddressNagolder Straße 61, DE-72224 Ebhausen

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