

Zenettistrasse 10d, Münich 80337
Delivery: Europe
Founded: 1994
Employees: 5-9
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37 Product and services

Green Peppers with Cream Cheese 200g - Green Peppers with Cream Cheese
Green Peppers with Cream Cheese 200g - Green Peppers with Cream Cheese
Green Peppers with Cream Cheese. Appearance: Green peppers filled with a whitish, creamy paste. Taste/Aroma: Characteristic green pepper flavor, aroma...
Cream Cheese - Green Olive Spread 150g - Cream Cheese - Green Olive Spread
Cream Cheese - Green Olive Spread 150g - Cream Cheese - Green Olive Spread
Cream Cheese Green Olive Spread Organoleptic Character Appearance green color for the olives, with a whitish, creamy paste filling Taste/Aroma typical...
Greek Olive Mix in Oil 500g - Greek Olive Mix in Oil
Greek Olive Mix in Oil 500g - Greek Olive Mix in Oil
Greek Olive Mix in Oil. Appearance: Black, Violet, Green color for the olives, with herbs. Taste/Aroma: typical of the variety, salty with a strong fl...
Florinis stuffed with Feta cheese
Florinis stuffed with Feta cheese
Florinis stuffed with feta cheese. Appearance: red pepper with white feta cheese pieces. Taste/Aroma: typical of Florinis red pepper, aromatic, sweet,...
Green Olives with Garlic 200g - Green Olives with Garlic
Green Olives with Garlic 200g - Green Olives with Garlic
Green olives with garlic. Green olives with garlic. Green color for the olives, with a beige garlic filling typical of the variety. Taste/Aroma typica...
Hummus Chili 200g - Spicy chickpea puree seasoned with dried tomatoes.
Hummus Chili 200g - Spicy chickpea puree seasoned with dried tomatoes.
Spicy chickpea puree seasoned with dried tomatoes. Appearance homogeneous, bright reddish-orange color. Taste/Aroma characteristic of ground sesame, c...
Marinated Green and Black Olives 500g - Marinated Green and Black Olives
Marinated Green and Black Olives 500g - Marinated Green and Black Olives
Marinated Green and Black Olives. Organoleptic Character Appearance green and black color for the olives, with herbs Taste/Aroma typical of the variet...
Fried Oyster Mushrooms 200g - Fried Oyster Mushrooms
Fried Oyster Mushrooms 200g - Fried Oyster Mushrooms
Fried oyster mushrooms. Appearance beige-brown color for the mushrooms. Taste/Aroma typical of mushrooms, pleasantly rounded.
Green Olives with Natural Paprika 200g - Green Olives with Natural Paprika
Green Olives with Natural Paprika 200g - Green Olives with Natural Paprika
Green olives with natural paprika. Green color for the olives, with red, typical paprika filling. Taste/Aroma typical for the variety, salty with a po...
Cream Cheese - Salmon Spread 150g - Cream Cheese - Salmon Spread
Cream Cheese - Salmon Spread 150g - Cream Cheese - Salmon Spread
Cream Cheese Salmon Spread...
Lombardi Red Peppers with Cream Cheese 200g - Lombardi Red Peppers with Cream Cheese
Lombardi Red Peppers with Cream Cheese 200g - Lombardi Red Peppers with Cream Cheese
Lombardi red peppers with cream cheese. Appearance: red color for the peppers with a whitish, creamy paste filling. Taste/Aroma: typical for the varie...
Cream Cheese Spread Oriental Style 150g - Cream Cheese Spread Oriental Style
Cream Cheese Spread Oriental Style 150g - Cream Cheese Spread Oriental Style
Cream cheese spread in oriental style. Appearance red color with variations. Taste/Aroma spicy, flavorful with paprika and a powerful/irresistible che...
Tarama Paste "Cream of Fish Roe" 200g - Tarama Paste "Cream of Fish Roe"
Tarama Paste "Cream of Fish Roe" 200g - Tarama Paste "Cream of Fish Roe"
Cream made from fish roe, salty, mildly sour, creamy. Appearance homogeneous rosy color. Taste/Aroma typical of fish roe, salty, mildly sour. Texture ...
Cherry Peppers with Cream Cheese 200g - Cherry Peppers with Cream Cheese
Cherry Peppers with Cream Cheese 200g - Cherry Peppers with Cream Cheese
Cherry peppers with cream cheese. Visual: red color for the peppers with a whitish, creamy paste filling. Taste/Aroma: typical for the variety, with a...
Feta Cheese in Oil 200g - Feta Cheese in Oil
Feta Cheese in Oil 200g - Feta Cheese in Oil
Feta cheese in oil. Appearance: White color with red from the paprika. Taste/Aroma: spicy, peppery with a strong/irresistible cheese flavor, pleasantl...

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AddressZenettistrasse 10d, DE-80337 Münich

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