Diclekent Bulvari Bedir 7 Apt.Kat:1 NO:1, Kayapinar 21050, Diyarbakir 21000
Delivery: Worldwide
Employees: 50-99
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About us
We have a factory located in Diyarbakir city and also a warehouse where we store our materials and load containers to provide better service to our clients and ensure quicker delivery from Mersin seaport. Our products are delivered to nearly 20 countries around the world, and we have speakers of English, Arabic, French, and Russian. We would be glad to offer you the best price.
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AddressDiclekent Bulvari Bedir 7 Apt.Kat:1 NO:1, Kayapinar 21050, TR-21000 Diyarbakir
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