Raiffeisenstrasse 8, Satrup 24986
Founded: 2006
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4 Product and services

Easy Ice and Binary Ice in Fishing
Easy Ice and Binary Ice in Fishing
EasyEis was specifically developed by us for use on fishing and crab boats, to make the fishermen's work easier and to optimize the quality preservati...
Binary Ice for Industrial Applications
Binary Ice for Industrial Applications
Ice crystals are, from a physical standpoint, the smallest unit of cold that can be produced. They have the unique property of abruptly changing their...
Binary Ice in Food Technology
Binary Ice in Food Technology
Ice crystals are, from a physical standpoint, the smallest unit of cold that can be generated. They have the unique property of abruptly changing thei...
Binary Ice in Climate Technology
Binary Ice in Climate Technology
Ice crystals are, from a physical standpoint, the smallest unit of cold that can be generated. They have the unique property of abruptly changing thei...

Location and contact

AddressRaiffeisenstrasse 8, DE-24986 Satrup
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