

Icerenkoy Mh, Cayir Cd, Ihlamur Agaci Sk, No:9, Atasehir, Istanbul 34752
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 2002
Employees: 5-9
Supplier type
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About us
Founded in 2002 to provide services related to recycling and waste containers, our company has established a significant presence in the Turkish market over the years. - Trash containers, - Recycling bins, - Park and garden trash cans, - Tipping containers, - Shavings containers, - Scrap containers, - Dump containers have been developed with the technology and expertise we have built together with you, our valued stakeholders. We thank our stakeholders for their contributions to date...

9 Product and services

Chip Cart - Automatic Dumping Chip Cart
Chip Cart - Automatic Dumping Chip Cart
Shavings Cart Container with Automatic Tipping Mechanism The locking system can be operated manually or automatically, as per request. - Manual unlo...
Tilt Container - Chip Cart, Container with Tilting Mechanism
Tilt Container - Chip Cart, Container with Tilting Mechanism
- Manual unlocking: The pull chain (wire, thread) located on the tipping device container can be pulled from the forklift operator's seat at any heigh...
Bottom-opening container - Bottom-opening container
Bottom-opening container - Bottom-opening container
Open-Base Container Collecting, storing, and unloading valuable waste such as scrap metal, glass, wood, and cardboard Direct access road to the scrap ...
Park Garden Trash Bin - Outdoor Trash Bin
Park Garden Trash Bin - Outdoor Trash Bin
Product Code: DMCK-202 Product Name: Outdoor Trash Bin 202 Width: 50 cm Height: 92 cm Depth: 50 cm Bin Width: 40 cm Bin Height: 60 cm...
Zero Waste Bin - Recycling Bin with Removable Waste Container
Zero Waste Bin - Recycling Bin with Removable Waste Container
Zero Waste bin, a container for the collection of recyclable waste sorted by type. The labels on the recycling bins can be customized as desired...
Recycling Bin - Zero Waste Bin
Recycling Bin - Zero Waste Bin
ZERO WASTE is a waste prevention goal that encompasses preventing waste, using resources efficiently, reducing the amount of waste generated, and recy...
Swing Container - Swing Container
Swing Container - Swing Container
SWING CONTAINER Forklift Container Waste Paper Container Waste Plastic Container Waste Metal Container Debris Container Construction Waste Container ...
Self-Tipping Waste Container - Scrap Chip Cart
Self-Tipping Waste Container - Scrap Chip Cart
Tilted Waste Container Two different tipping trigger mechanisms: The locking system can be manually or automatically released as desired. Manua...

Payment methods

SWIFT transfer
Credit card

Available type of delivery (incoterms)


Location and contact

AddressIcerenkoy Mh, Cayir Cd, Ihlamur Agaci Sk, No:9, Atasehir, TR-34752 Istanbul

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