14 Rue Pierre Paul de Riquet, Canéjan 33610
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218 Product and services

Security Lock with Touchless Coded Bolt - VIGILGUARD-SFR
Security Lock with Touchless Coded Bolt - VIGILGUARD-SFR
Touchless coded detection "Door Lock" Touchless detection "Door Open / Closed" Locking command with only one contact in a series connection of product...
Illuminated Touch Control Button with Capacitive Technology - KB 100 SeriesNext
Illuminated Touch Control Button with Capacitive Technology - KB 100 Series
250 VAC lighting switch for indoor use 24 VDC machine control Stop/open request for public transport • Number of cycles: 100 million at 200 mA • Stan...
Check the position of doors/covers in ATEX - ANATOM78S PL EEX and ANATOM78S OX EEXNext
Check the position of doors/covers in ATEX - ANATOM78S PL EEX and ANATOM78S OX EEX
Electronic coded non-contact sensor ATEX zone 0/20 (PL version) or 1/21 (OX version) ATEX Safety ATEX Standards EN 60079-0 EN 60079-11 EN 60079-25 EN...
Electrical Block for Zone - C4CK
Electrical Block for Zone - C4CK
Compact format of 45 mm Two-position key: free and locked Removable terminals Performance level: PL = e Safety category: 4 Integrated safety level: S...
Position control for doors / casings on hazardous machinery - ANATOM 78S-98S, 78SMKT, 78SMKT130, 78SM12, 98SM12, 78SESM12Next
Position control for doors / casings on hazardous machinery - ANATOM 78S-98S, 78SMKT, 78SMKT130, 78SM12, 98SM12, 78SESM12
Contactless coded electronic sensor Total safety management with an AWAX controller Low cost solution for multi-access applications • Level of perfor...
Control the position of doors/covers in ATEX - RDX8
Control the position of doors/covers in ATEX - RDX8
Contactless technology sensor, low desynchronization ATEX zone 2 and 22 No power supply required • • Atex safety • EN 60079-15 • EN 61241-1 • Ma...
Control the position of doors/machine guards for hazardous machines - EPINUS 2K NT MKTS
Control the position of doors/machine guards for hazardous machines - EPINUS 2K NT MKTS
Magnetic Door Holder 20 N Integrated with Handle High Temperature and Silicone Cable Electronic Technology Sensor with Contactless Code • Performan...
Position control for doors / casings on dangerous machinery - with magnetic holding devices - EPINUS 4K
Position control for doors / casings on dangerous machinery - with magnetic holding devices - EPINUS 4K
40N integrated stainless steel magnetic door holding Contactless coded electronic sensor Total safety management with an AWAX controller Level of per...
Heavy-duty safety interlocking, coded, contactless with traceability - VIGILKAR
Heavy-duty safety interlocking, coded, contactless with traceability - VIGILKAR
Bolt course: 32 mm • Bolt diameter: 25 mm • Allowed offset up/down, left/right: 8 mm or +/- 4 mm • Maximum angular offset between strike and lock: ...
Dual technology optical/capacitive luminous touch control button - KOB 508T series
Dual technology optical/capacitive luminous touch control button - KOB 508T series
Activation by contact, wide range of detectable material Great ease of detection anywhere on the button "Momentary, bistable and time-delayed" functio...
Connection Box - LKS 485
Connection Box - LKS 485
M12 connection box for XRS485 for automatic RS485 networking and output signaling Ultra-compact format Automatic RS485 networking with output on M12 ...
Illuminated Touch Safety Stop Button - KOB 110T Series
Illuminated Touch Safety Stop Button - KOB 110T Series
Touch safety stop button with dual optical/capacitive technology Contact activation, wide range of detectable materials Extreme ease of detection at ...
Contactless safety interlocking - with encoded striker for "casing / heavy door" - VIGILGUARD-SFR
Contactless safety interlocking - with encoded striker for "casing / heavy door" - VIGILGUARD-SFR
Contactless "door lock" encoded detection Contactless "door open / closed" detection Unlock command with just one contact during serialization of prod...
Bollard indicator with patterns for passage - GALLIA T
Bollard indicator with patterns for passage - GALLIA T
Vehicle guidance in underground parking Bi-color light bands Low-profile curved design • Lifespan: 50,000 hours • Luminous intensity: 1.6 cd • Light ...
Multi-effect LED technology signaling beacon - YB100S Series
Multi-effect LED technology signaling beacon - YB100S Series
Machine status signaling 4 types of selectable indications Low apparent thickness • Service life: 50,000 hours • Luminosity: 100 lm • Mode 1: flash •...

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Location and contact

Address14 Rue Pierre Paul de Riquet, FR-33610 Canéjan

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