24 rue Charles Tellier, Marseille 14e Arrondissement 13014
Delivery: National
Founded: 2022
Employees: 5-9
Supplier type
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3 Product and services

Express - Urgent Delivery
Express - Urgent Delivery
Chronoss is specialized in urgent delivery across Europe, from small parcels to pallets. We find a solution to your transport problem.
CROSS DOCKING MESSAGING - Reception and Delivery in Marseille and its Surroundings
CROSS DOCKING MESSAGING - Reception and Delivery in Marseille and its Surroundings
It's not just a slogan; Chronoss is the true specialist of the last mile. Based in Marseille, we receive your goods and deliver them the same day in M...
Storage in Marseille - Storage
Storage in Marseille - Storage
Do you have goods to store? Chronoss takes care of everything. Based in Marseille, just 100 meters from the highway entrance and exit, we have 1500 m²...

Payment methods

SWIFT transfer
SWIFT transfer
SWIFT transfer
Bill of exchange
Bill of exchange
Credit card
Mail transfer

Payment terms

C/D (or CAD) - Cash against Documents also D/P - Documents against Payment
COD - Cash on Delivery
D/C - Documentary Collection
SLOC - Standby Letter of Credit

Location and contact

Address24 rue Charles Tellier, FR-13014 Marseille 14e Arrondissement

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