Feldkamp 11, Gronau 48599
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8 Product and services

140cm Ramie-Linen - approx. 300 grams per running meter
140cm Ramie-Linen - approx. 300 grams per running meter
Ramie Linen Fabrics - 100% Ramie Weight: approx. 300 grams per running meter. Width: 140cm...
160cm Cotton Jeans - Color: Indigo Blue
160cm Cotton Jeans - Color: Indigo Blue
Denim fabric - 480/500 grams per linear meter. Denim fabric made from 100% cotton Color: indigo blue Weight: 480/500 grams per linear meter Width: 16...
140cm Ramie-Linen - approx. 300 grams per running meter
140cm Ramie-Linen - approx. 300 grams per running meter
140cm Ramie-Linen - approx. 300 grams per running meter 1 meter: Black...
140cm Ramie-Linen - approx. 300 grams per running meter
140cm Ramie-Linen - approx. 300 grams per running meter
140cm Ramie-Linen - approx. 300 grams per running meter 1 meter: White...
140cm Ramie-Linen - approx. 300 grams per running meter
140cm Ramie-Linen - approx. 300 grams per running meter
140cm Ramie-Linen - approx. 300 grams per running meter 1 meter: Navy...
Jeans Fabric Color: Black (Black Denim)
Jeans Fabric Color: Black (Black Denim)
Black jeans made of 100% cotton Width: 160cm Weight: approx. 480-500 grams per meter Shipping costs: €3.90 per meter + €1.00 for each additional me...
140cm Ramie-Linen - approx. 300 grams per running meter
140cm Ramie-Linen - approx. 300 grams per running meter
140cm Ramie-Linen - approx. 300 grams per running meter 1 Meter: Red...
140cm Ramie-Linen - approx. 300 grams per running meter
140cm Ramie-Linen - approx. 300 grams per running meter
140cm Ramie-Linen - approx. 300 grams per running meter 1 meter: Light Blue...

Location and contact

AddressFeldkamp 11, DE-48599 Gronau

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