

Heiskamp 12, Hattingen 45527
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 1893
Employees: 100-199
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96 Product and services

America - Curling ribbon
America - Curling ribbon
America is a polyribbon which is easy to curl and also to split for a great looking gift packaging made in Germany. It's available in many colours and...
Sheer - Organza ribbon
Sheer - Organza ribbon
Sheer is an organza ribbon which is perfect for table-, wedding- or just gift decorations. It's available in 25 or 40 mm and in many colours. Made in ...
Sheer - Organza ribbon
Sheer - Organza ribbon
Sheer is an organza ribbon which is perfect for table-, wedding- or just gift decorations. It's available in 25 or 40 mm and in many colours. Made in ...
Europa - Decorative ribbon
Europa - Decorative ribbon
Europa is an taffeta ribbon which is perfect for all kinds of decoration. It's available in 10, 15, 25 or 40mm and in many colours. Made in Germany.
Mexico - Metallic Curling ribbon
Mexico - Metallic Curling ribbon
Mexico is a matallic polyribbon which is easy to curl for a great looking gift packaging made in Germany. It's available in many colours and in 5 or 1...
Sheer - Organza ribbon
Sheer - Organza ribbon
Sheer is an organza ribbon which is perfect for table-, wedding- or just gift decorations. It's available in 25 or 40 mm and in many colours. Made in ...
America - Curling ribbon
America - Curling ribbon
America is a polyribbon which is easy to curl and also to split for a great looking gift packaging made in Germany. It's available in many colours and...
Dream - Silk ribbon with wired edges
Dream - Silk ribbon with wired edges
Dream is a thin silk ribbon with wired edges. Perfect for voluminous bows. It's available in 15, 25 or 40 mm and also in many colours. Made in Germany...
America - Curling ribbon
America - Curling ribbon
America is a polyribbon which is easy to curl and also to split for a great looking gift packaging made in Germany. It's available in many colours and...
America - Curling ribbon
America - Curling ribbon
America is a polyribbon which is easy to curl and also to split for a great looking gift packaging made in Germany. It's available in many colours and...
Four Seasons - Organza ribbon with wired edges
Four Seasons - Organza ribbon with wired edges
Four Seasons is an wired organza ribbon. Perfect for voluminous bows. It's available in 25, 40, 60mm or without wired edge in 10 and 15mm and also in ...
Mexico - Metallic Curling ribbon
Mexico - Metallic Curling ribbon
Mexico is a matallic polyribbon which is easy to curl for a great looking gift packaging made in Germany. It's available in many colours and in 5 or 1...
Satin - Decorative ribbon
Satin - Decorative ribbon
Satin is a double face silk ribbon which looks luxury and perfectly fit every gift. It's available in several widths and colours. Made in Germany.
Sheer - Organza ribbon
Sheer - Organza ribbon
Sheer is an organza ribbon which is perfect for table-, wedding- or just gift decorations. It's available in 25 or 40 mm and in many colours. Made in ...
Four Seasons - Organza ribbon with wired edges
Four Seasons - Organza ribbon with wired edges
Four Seasons is an wired organza ribbon. Perfect for voluminous bows. It's available in 25, 40, 60mm or without wired edge in 10 and 15mm and also in ...

Location and contact

AddressHeiskamp 12, DE-45527 Hattingen

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