

office 1, 1/34, Akademika Amosova st., Sofiyivska Borshahivka 08138
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 1999
Employees: 200-499
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14 Product and services

Composition of microogranisms "Ecostern" - Composition of microogranisms to improve soil health, accelerate plant residues
Composition of microogranisms "Ecostern" - Composition of microogranisms to improve soil health, accelerate plant residues
Product details: Effectively decomposes crop residues Balances soil microflora Enriches of organic matter and available elements of plant nutri...
Bacterial composition "Groundfix" - Bacterial composition to solubilize phosphorus and potassium from soil and ferti
Bacterial composition "Groundfix" - Bacterial composition to solubilize phosphorus and potassium from soil and ferti
Product details Enhances phosphorus mobility and potassium availability in soil and mineral fertilizers Increases the nutrient/fertilizer use effici...
Biopreparation "Metawhite" - Biopreparation with insecticidal action to protect plants from soil pests
Biopreparation "Metawhite" - Biopreparation with insecticidal action to protect plants from soil pests
Product details: Protection of plants from soil pests Entomopathogenic fungi Metarhizium anisopliae and Beauveria bassiana are able to germinate t...
FITOBACT - A plant aid containing living microorganisms (Bacillus subtilis) to improve crop
FITOBACT - A plant aid containing living microorganisms (Bacillus subtilis) to improve crop
Intended use: a plant aid containing living microorganisms (Bacillus subtilis) to improve crop yield, plant health and resistance to adverse environm...
Bioinsecticide Bitoxibacilin-btu - Bioinsecticide for protection of plants from insect pests, their larvae and mite
Bioinsecticide Bitoxibacilin-btu - Bioinsecticide for protection of plants from insect pests, their larvae and mite
Product details: protects plants from pests has a long period of effect, does not cause tolerance in pests does not accumulate in plants and so...
Biological fungicide "Sclerocid" - Biological fungicide to inhibit the development of white rot pathogens
Biological fungicide "Sclerocid" - Biological fungicide to inhibit the development of white rot pathogens
Product details: highly effective protection against Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, Botrytis cinerea, Leptosphaeria lindquistii, Diaporthe helianthi, Pu...
Liposam - Adhesive to fasten substances on the plant surfaces, fruits and in the soil and
Liposam - Adhesive to fasten substances on the plant surfaces, fruits and in the soil and
Product details: Fixes the biologicals and other plant protection and nutrition preparations on the planting material, ensures their close contact w...
Mycorrhiza "Mycofriend" - Mycorrhiza product to maximize the ability of roots to consume nutrients and wat
Mycorrhiza "Mycofriend" - Mycorrhiza product to maximize the ability of roots to consume nutrients and wat
Product details: Root colonization by mycorrhizal fungi Increase in the area of absorption of the root system Provision of balanced mineral nutr...
Bacterial composition "Organic-balance" - Bacterial composition stimulating plants immune system and resistance to stress
Bacterial composition "Organic-balance" - Bacterial composition stimulating plants immune system and resistance to stress
Product details: Increases resistance of plants to stress factors: biotic, anthropogenic, climatic, edaphic Increases germination, provides seedli...
Composting accelerator "Componaza" - Composting accelerator that improves its nutrition value
Composting accelerator "Componaza" - Composting accelerator that improves its nutrition value
Product details: Accelerates the decomposition of organic waste Helps to increase the value of the substrate due to the increase in the content of...
Symbiotic nodule-forming bacteria "Rizoline" - A complex of symbiotic nodule-forming bacteria to enhance nitrogen nutrition of
Symbiotic nodule-forming bacteria "Rizoline" - A complex of symbiotic nodule-forming bacteria to enhance nitrogen nutrition of
Product details: Fixes the atmospheric nitrogen (in symbiosis with legumes) and transforms it into accessible for plants form Intensifies the proc...
Azotobacter-based product "Azotohelp" - Azotobacter-based product to provide plants with additional nitrogen nutrition
Azotobacter-based product "Azotohelp" - Azotobacter-based product to provide plants with additional nitrogen nutrition
Product details: Actively fixes the molecular atmospheric nitrogen and enriches the soil up 60 kg/ha (average — 20 kg/ha) Synthesizes growth-stimu...
Liposam Bio-glue - Bio-glue to prevent cracking of fruits of technical and legume crops
Liposam Bio-glue - Bio-glue to prevent cracking of fruits of technical and legume crops
Product details: forms flexible, elastic grid, which is able to stretch and glue provides natural maturation of both lower and upper tiers of tec...
Fertilizer "Humifriend" - Complex fertilizer based on potassium humate with beneficial microorganisms and
Fertilizer "Humifriend" - Complex fertilizer based on potassium humate with beneficial microorganisms and
Product details: Accelerates the intake of nutrients to the plant and increases their use efficiency Enhances the fungicidal and growth-stimulati...

Payment methods

SWIFT transfer

Available type of delivery (incoterms)


Location and contact

Addressoffice 1, 1/34, Akademika Amosova st., UA-08138 Sofiyivska Borshahivka

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