

Eichengrund 35, Beckum 59269
Founded: 1873
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6 Product and services

Double Shaft Mixer - Twin Screw Mixer
Double Shaft Mixer - Twin Screw Mixer
Below you will find a sample offer for a double shaft mixer or twin screw mixer. Technical specifications for the double shaft mixer: Double shaft mi...
Inclined Belt Conveyor - Wave Edge Conveyor
Inclined Belt Conveyor - Wave Edge Conveyor
Example of a steep belt conveyor - corrugated edge conveyor Technical specifications for the corrugated edge conveyor - corrugated edge belt conveyor...
Screw Wings - Conveyor Screw Wings in all dimensions
Screw Wings - Conveyor Screw Wings in all dimensions
We supply loose screw wings or loose conveyor screw wings approximately 360 degrees with tolerances according to DIN 15261 Part 2 and according to you...
Trough Screw Conveyors - Trough Screw Feeders
Trough Screw Conveyors - Trough Screw Feeders
Below you will find a sample offer for a trough screw conveyor. Technical specifications for the trough screw conveyor: Trough screw conveyor with Di...
Pipe Conveying Screws - Pipe Screw Conveyors
Pipe Conveying Screws - Pipe Screw Conveyors
Below you will find a sample offer for a tube screw conveyor. Technical data for the tube screw conveyor: Tube screw conveyor with Diameter: 400 mm T...
Flat Belt Conveyor
Flat Belt Conveyor
Example of a Flat Belt Conveyor Technical Data for the Flat Belt Conveyor: Flat belt conveyor with Belt width: 1,000 mm Center distance: 2,500 mm Spe...

Location and contact

AddressEichengrund 35, DE-59269 Beckum

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