Plauener Strasse 163-165, Berlin 13053
Founded: 2014
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About us
BOLDNUTS GmbH develops, produces, and sells 3D surface coverings with extraordinary shapes for exclusive interior design.

7 Product and services

Wall Panel Design Ridge
Wall Panel Design Ridge
Delicate, elegant lines merge into an organic masterpiece full of strength and energy. The supple structure of this passionate design creates a natura...
Wall Panel Design Field
Wall Panel Design Field
Delicate, elegant lines merge into an organic masterpiece full of strength and energy. The supple structure of this passionate design creates a natura...
Wall Panel Design Glen
Wall Panel Design Glen
Vibrant, elegant lines, as if drawn by the wind in the desert sand, inspired this passionate, well-formed design. This wall panel is a sensual message...
Wall Panel Design Stream
Wall Panel Design Stream
Gentle, regular lines shaped in harmony express a calm comfort and a sense of perspective. This wall panel embodies modern understatement. Its delicat...
Wall Panel Design Hexa
Wall Panel Design Hexa
Sunken valleys and clear, delicate edges create a stunning interplay of light and shadow in sunlight. Throughout the day, the angle of light alters th...
Wall Panel Design Liquid
Wall Panel Design Liquid
The passion for music connects people from all over the world. It reminds us of special moments and beautiful feelings. The tastes can be incredibly d...
Wall Panel Design Voro
Wall Panel Design Voro
Fascinating cell structures describe the ubiquitous surfaces of nature. Soft depressions and seemingly movable edges create a multifaceted texture. Th...

Location and contact

AddressPlauener Strasse 163-165, DE-13053 Berlin
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