

Str. Belgijska 4-20., Cambridge 40022
Employees: 5-9
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3 Product and services

Business partnership, investment, co-ownership.
Business partnership, investment, co-ownership.
There is a firm in London, UK. Their business in simple words is the following. The firm is run by two brothers, who are property consultants in Londo...
IT services. IT company. - Creating software. Fixing software.
IT services. IT company. - Creating software. Fixing software.
We are an IT company from Britain, Cambridge. It is a university city, so we have many bright minds in our team. We offer mainly two types of servic...
Parquet wood flooring
Parquet wood flooring
Our company offers parquet for wood flooring of premium segment. We are from Lithuania. Our prices are a bit higher, but these are advantages of our p...

Keywords1 keyword

Location and contact

AddressStr. Belgijska 4-20., UA-40022 Cambridge

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