

Zum Energie- und Umweltzentrum 1, Springe-Eldagsen 31832
Delivery: Europe
Founded: 1999
Employees: 20-49
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28 Product and services

Minneapolis BlowerDoor Standard - Market leading measuring system for airtightness
Minneapolis BlowerDoor Standard - Market leading measuring system for airtightness
Minneapolis BlowerDoor is a modular measuring system for airtightness. With its measuring range from 19 m³/h to 7,200 m³/h and the possibility to com...
The a-value Measurement System - Determining Joint Permeability in Components
The a-value Measurement System - Determining Joint Permeability in Components
With the a-value measurement system developed by BlowerDoor GmbH, joint permeabilities in building components can be easily and accurately determined.
Minneapolis BlowerDoor Standard - Universal Use: Minneapolis BlowerDoor
Minneapolis BlowerDoor Standard - Universal Use: Minneapolis BlowerDoor
The Minneapolis BlowerDoor measurement systems are built in a modular way. With a measurement range from 19 to 7,200 m³/h and the ability to combine m...
Bau.Tools BlowerDoor - A testing process for locating air leaks using BlowerDoor and
Bau.Tools BlowerDoor - A testing process for locating air leaks using BlowerDoor and
Bau.Tools BlowerDoor is a testing process for locating leaks and air passages, usable throughout the year thanks to the BlowerDoor system combined wit...
Blower Door System for Windows and Doors - Determine the Air Permeability of Building Elements
Blower Door System for Windows and Doors - Determine the Air Permeability of Building Elements
To create a watertight building envelope, it is important that the exterior windows and doors are also airtight. The BlowerDoor system for windows and...
Minneapolis BlowerDoor MultipleFan - Air Tightness Measurement for Large Buildings
Minneapolis BlowerDoor MultipleFan - Air Tightness Measurement for Large Buildings
The Minneapolis BlowerDoor measurement systems are built modularly. With a measurement range from 19 to 7,200 m³/h and the ability to combine multiple...
Calibration of BlowerDoor measurement systems
Calibration of BlowerDoor measurement systems
Take advantage of the high precision of the Minneapolis BlowerDoor measurement technique - The accuracy of BlowerDoor measurement systems far exceeds ...
BlowerDoor MultipleFan - Air Tightness Measurement for Large Buildings
BlowerDoor MultipleFan - Air Tightness Measurement for Large Buildings
Easily combine multiple BlowerDoor fans (BlowerDoor MultipleFan) for air tightness measurement in large buildings: With up to three fans per door open...
Minneapolis FlowBlaster - Testing and Balancing of Supply and Exhaust Air Vents in the Ventilation System
Minneapolis FlowBlaster - Testing and Balancing of Supply and Exhaust Air Vents in the Ventilation System
The Minneapolis FlowBlaster, with a measurement range of 17 to 500 m³/h, has been specifically designed for testing ventilation systems in residential...
Minneapolis BlowerDoor MultipleFan - Air Tightness Measurement for Large Buildings
Minneapolis BlowerDoor MultipleFan - Air Tightness Measurement for Large Buildings
Simply combine multiple BlowerDoor fans (MultipleFan) for air tightness measurements in large buildings. By using up to three fans per door opening, o...
Minneapolis Micro Leakage Meter - Air Duct Tightness Testing according to FD E51-767
Minneapolis Micro Leakage Meter - Air Duct Tightness Testing according to FD E51-767
The Micro Leakage Meter (MLM) was developed by the manufacturer The Energy Conservatory in close collaboration with BlowerDoor GmbH to ensure the prop...
Minneapolis Micro Leakage Meter (MLM) - Tightness testing of ventilation duct systems according to DIN EN 12599
Minneapolis Micro Leakage Meter (MLM) - Tightness testing of ventilation duct systems according to DIN EN 12599
The Micro Leakage Meter (MLM) was developed by the manufacturer The Energy Conservatory in close collaboration with BlowerDoor GmbH to ensure the func...
Minneapolis BlowerDoor MiniFan - Small and Impressive: BlowerDoor MiniFan
Minneapolis BlowerDoor MiniFan - Small and Impressive: BlowerDoor MiniFan
BlowerDoor measurement systems can be universally used: our BlowerDoor MiniFan system, with a measurement range from 5 to 2,300 m³/h, is very portable...

Location and contact

AddressZum Energie- und Umweltzentrum 1, DE-31832 Springe-Eldagsen

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