

ZI des Grands Prés III, 100 Rue des Prés - BP 4, Cluses Cedex 74301
Founded: 2000
Employees: 20-49
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About us
The company BEDOUET is based in Cluses. It specializes in the manufacturing of studs, tie rods, and threaded rods. Established in 1958, BEDOUET SARL is located in the heart of the Arve Valley, in the Rhône-Alpes region, covering an area of 1500m². Its products include: studs, tie rods, threaded rods, and special parts ranging from 5 to 60 mm according to specifications, from prototypes to large series, in all metals.
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AddressZI des Grands Prés III, 100 Rue des Prés - BP 4, FR-74301 Cluses Cedex
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