Scharnweberstrasse 86, Berlin 12587
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4 Product and services

Model Train BR 75 588 DRG
Model Train BR 75 588 DRG
Epoch II, Bw Chemnitz, Rbd Dresden Technical Data: • 5-pole motor with flywheel • warm white, direction-changing headlight • digital interface accor...
Model Train BR 102 131-0 DR
Model Train BR 102 131-0 DR
Museum Locomotive, Railway Museum Schwarzenberg (VSE), BW Schwarzenberg. Technical Data: • Motor with flywheel • Highly detailed chassis and body • ...
Model Train BR 120.151-6 DB 'ZDF'
Model Train BR 120.151-6 DB 'ZDF'
Epoch V / VI. This model is produced in small series only upon customer order. The printing is done with elaborate decals and coated with a protective...
Model Train BR 75.5, 75 501
Model Train BR 75.5, 75 501
In addition to the 75 515 with a straight water box, the 75 501 has also been preserved for posterity. Rbd Cottbus, Bw Zittau, Ep.III. Originally int...

Location and contact

AddressScharnweberstrasse 86, DE-12587 Berlin
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