

Heikensstraat 5, Zele 9240
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 1909
Employees: 100-199
Supplier type
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About us
Theo Bauwens SA is a family-owned business established in 1909, now led by the fourth generation. We are one of the largest producers of cooked meats in Europe. Our reputation for exceptional quality and hygiene is backed by our IFS (International Food Standard) certification, and verified by our accredited internal microbiological laboratory and our chemical laboratory. Our products are subject to continuous innovation, and we are known for our flexibility and services.

34 Product and services

Italian ham cooked - Pork
Italian ham cooked - Pork
Italian ham cooked - Pork...
Goldworst - Pork
Goldworst - Pork
Goldworst - Pork...
Barbecue ham and shoulder - Delicacy
Barbecue ham and shoulder - Delicacy
Barbecue ham and shoulder - Delicacy...
Goldworst - Sausage
Goldworst - Sausage
Goldworst - Sausage...
Superior ham - Delicacy
Superior ham - Delicacy
Superior ham - Delicacy...
Garlic sausage - Delicacy
Garlic sausage - Delicacy
Garlic sausage - Delicacy...
Slicing - Convenience
Slicing - Convenience
Slicing - Convenience...
Spalla Cotta - Pork
Spalla Cotta - Pork
Spalla Cotta - Pork...
Barbecue ham and shoulder - Pork
Barbecue ham and shoulder - Pork
Barbecue ham and shoulder - Pork...
Delicacy meatloaf / Strasbourg - Delicacy
Delicacy meatloaf / Strasbourg - Delicacy
Delicacy meatloaf / Strasbourg - Delicacy...
Turkey sausage - Bulk
Turkey sausage - Bulk
Turkey sausage - Bulk...
Cooked beef - Beef
Cooked beef - Beef
Cooked beef - Beef...
Traditional ham - Pork
Traditional ham - Pork
Traditional ham - Pork...
Delicacy meatloaf / Strasbourg - Pork
Delicacy meatloaf / Strasbourg - Pork
Delicacy meatloaf / Strasbourg - Pork...
Italian ham with herbs - Delicacy
Italian ham with herbs - Delicacy
Italian ham with herbs - Delicacy...

Location and contact

AddressHeikensstraat 5, BE-9240 Zele

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