

Obermattstrasse 65, Pfäffikon 8330
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 1982
Employees: 50-99
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About us
The core competency of the BalTec Group lies in the design and manufacture of machines for joining technology, specifically for radial riveting, orbital riveting, tangential riveting, and rolling. Our products are used wherever high-quality connections and joints - even of different materials - are required. BalTec riveting and rolling machines are particularly suitable for the automotive industry, the hardware industry, precision mechanics, and medical technology, as well as for electronics.

25 Product and services

Metal Processing Equipment: Precision in Metalworking
Metal Processing Equipment: Precision in Metalworking
Metal processing plants play a crucial role in modern industry.
ELECTRIC Product Line
ELECTRIC Product Line
Manufacturing of riveting machines for the metalworking industry. Cold forming, radial and orbital riveting machines, as well as rolling machines with...
Plastic-Metal Bonding Technology: Innovation in Material Joining
Plastic-Metal Bonding Technology: Innovation in Material Joining
The plastic-metal connection technology is crucial in a variety of industries.
Radial Rivet Unit
Radial Rivet Unit
Rivet units for radial cold forming, ideally suited for integration into automation lines. Available with and without process control. Model: ...
Workstation with Servo Riveting Machine
Workstation with Servo Riveting Machine
The BalTec work cells and stations with integrated servo riveting machines for the metal processing industry, including Windows 10-based software for ...
Rotary Indexed Riveting Machine
Rotary Indexed Riveting Machine
Model: RNR151-RC3 Design: Machines Process: Radial Force Generation: Pneumatic Clamping Force: 0.50 kN - 1.50 kN Stroke: 5.00 mm - 30.00 mm DESCRIPTI...
Nut Unit with Side Motor
Nut Unit with Side Motor
Model: RNE-070-181 Process: Radial Force Build-up: Pneumatic Rivet Force: 2.20 kN - 6.60 kN Rivet/Workpiece Ø: 6.00 mm...
Metal Connection Technology: Precise Connections for Industry
Metal Connection Technology: Precise Connections for Industry
Metal joining technology is crucial in various industries when it comes to creating durable and reliable connections.
Coordinate Machine for Linear Transmission
Coordinate Machine for Linear Transmission
Model: RNC181-TF-4040 Design: Work Cells Process: Radial Force Generation: Pneumatic Clamping Force: 2.20 kN - 6.60 kN Stroke: 5.00 mm - 30.00 mm DES...
Multiple Rivet Head
Multiple Rivet Head
Model: MRX-020-281 Method: Radial Process Control: No Radius: 59.00 Length: 43.00 Free Height: 27.00 Deflection Angle: 5°43' DESCRIPTION Multi-Rivet ...
Custom Electronics Development: Innovative Solutions for Your Individual Requirements
Custom Electronics Development: Innovative Solutions for Your Individual Requirements
BALTEC AG is not only a leader in connection technology but also offers state-of-the-art custom electronics development services.
Electronics Manufacturing: Highest Precision and Quality for Your Products
Electronics Manufacturing: Highest Precision and Quality for Your Products
In today's technological world, electronic products are ubiquitous and play a crucial role in various industries, from automotive to medical technolog...
Electric Riveting Machines: Precision and Efficiency for Permanent Connections
Electric Riveting Machines: Precision and Efficiency for Permanent Connections
Electric rivet machines are an essential tool in joining technology, enabling the creation of precise, reliable, and durable connections in a variety ...
Coordinate Riveting Machine for Linear Transfer
Coordinate Riveting Machine for Linear Transfer
Model: RNC281-TF-4040 Method: Radial Force Generation: Pneumatic Rivet Force: 5.67 kN - 17.00 kN Rivet/Workpiece Ø: 12.00 mm Process Control: Yes Str...
Servo Presses: Precision and Versatility in Manufacturing
Servo Presses: Precision and Versatility in Manufacturing
Servo presses are a key component in modern manufacturing processes, providing precision and flexibility.

Location and contact

AddressObermattstrasse 65, CH-8330 Pfäffikon

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