

Grömitzer Weg 32a, Hamburg 22147
Employees: 5-9
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About us

4 Product and services

Customs Consulting and Customs Clearance - in a Personal Meeting
Customs Consulting and Customs Clearance - in a Personal Meeting
For a personal consultation, we are happy to come to your location. Whether you prefer a large meeting or a one-on-one conversation is entirely up to ...
free initial consultation
free initial consultation
To help you understand where you stand, whether we can assist you, what measures need to be taken, what exactly the authorities require from you, and ...
1 and 2 stage procedure - Export
1 and 2 stage procedure - Export
We handle the processing of your exports in both the 1st and 2nd stage procedures for you. As customs experts, we offer export processing for all cust...
Customs declaration for free circulation - Import
Customs declaration for free circulation - Import
We handle the customs clearance for duty-free and tax-free circulation on your behalf. As customs experts, we offer you import processing for all cust...

Location and contact

AddressGrömitzer Weg 32a, DE-22147 Hamburg

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