Schatzbogen 62, München 81829
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About us
Development, production, and distribution of professional audio systems, voice alarm (SAA) emergency warning and evacuation systems (ENS) certified according to EN 54-16 (VDE 0833-4) EN 60849 (VDE 0828).

2 Product and services

Traffic and Tunnel Sound System Technology as a "STANDARD CONSTRUCTION PRODUCT"
Traffic and Tunnel Sound System Technology as a "STANDARD CONSTRUCTION PRODUCT"
Industrial and Traffic Sound Systems (Tunnel Sound Systems) Fully Certified Industrial and Traffic Sound Systems (Tunnel Sound / Alarm Systems) fully...
PADES-2000 Voice Alarm System EN 54-16
PADES-2000 Voice Alarm System EN 54-16
EN 54-16, EN 54-4 certified voice alarm system; - fully digital, - freely programmable and also - fully modular design; can be represented in both 100...

Location and contact

AddressSchatzbogen 62, DE-81829 München
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