

Nanopoulou 9, Argos 212 00
Delivery: Europe
Employees: 20-49
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26 Product and services

Balcony netNext
Balcony net
Made of HDPE (high density polyethylene). It is used against crowns to protect children-animals from accidents as it prevents them from passing throug...
Shading net E-60 (35% -40% shading)
Shading net E-60 (35% -40% shading)
It is suitable for shading vegetables such as tomatoes, peppers. It is also suitable for creating shade in greenhouses, which should not be 100% expos...
1 "Fencing net (TREE GUARD NET)
1 "Fencing net (TREE GUARD NET)
Made of HDPE (high density polyethylene). Used for fencing sensitive plants by animals. Also used for fish cages, octopuses etc. as the eye opening is...
Grounding marking gridNext
Grounding marking grid
They are placed in the ditches and in the construction of underground nets for the indication of the pipeline that has below. Specifically, red is use...
Shading net E-90 (60% -65% shading)
Shading net E-90 (60% -65% shading)
It is applied in arboriculture in greenhouses, in tobacco dryers and generally where more shade and greater protection from sunlight is required for c...
Plastic bags PP - (GRAY)
Plastic bags PP - (GRAY)
The gray bags (also known as beige) with 3 red stripes in the center are open mouth bags and those which are more durable and intended for more specia...
Net lashing clips
Net lashing clips
Net lashing clips...
Shading net E-30 (shading 20% ​​-25%)
Shading net E-30 (shading 20% ​​-25%)
The use is recommended for protection from birds-sphinxes in vines. It is also used to cover buildings and surrounding areas of crops and greenhouses.
Red-white marking tape
Red-white marking tape
Suitable for demarcation, warning and protection of projects Dimensions:7cm x 200m...
FILM (spool)
FILM (spool)
The polyethylene sheet is made of HDPE. It is mainly used for the binding of sensitive plants as well as during the inoculation (grafting) of plants.
Safety grid - road markingNext
Safety grid - road marking
Project demarcation grid. Used to protect pedestrians and vehicles from project sites. Length:50-100m Height:1m, 1.20m Colors:Orange, Yellow, Blue...
Soil burlap
Soil burlap
Made of polypropylene (PP). It is mainly used in crops as it prevents the growth of weeds. It does not allow the passage of sunlight on the ground. Th...
Road sign columns
Road sign columns
Road sign columns...
Drainage membraneNext
Drainage membrane
The drainage membrane is a high-density polyethylene-based HDPE seal used in underground installations in construction or other areas to isolate moist...
Reflective vest
Reflective vest
Reflective vest...

Location and contact

AddressNanopoulou 9, GR-212 00 Argos

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