

Leutschenbachstrasse 55, Zurich 8050
Founded: 2007
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6 Product and services

Elastomer and polyurethane timing belts for the highest performance requirements
Elastomer and polyurethane timing belts for the highest performance requirements
Form-fit drive systems ensure synchronous transmission between the pulleys – from this...
Flat gaskets made from various elastomer, composite fiber, and PTFE materials
Flat gaskets made from various elastomer, composite fiber, and PTFE materials
The right solution for you, flat gaskets are primarily used for static sealing of flanges,…...
Hoses – the right choice for all applications
Hoses – the right choice for all applications
Our Hose Solutions Hoses and pipes serve the same primary function. They are used to transport media in various states such as gaseous, liquid, and s...
Form Seals - Standard Solutions with Short Delivery Time
Form Seals - Standard Solutions with Short Delivery Time
Form seals – Standard solutions, For many applications where seals or stops are used, it can…...
O-rings and X-rings - Sealing rings
O-rings and X-rings - Sealing rings
A Comprehensive O-Ring Range O-rings have proven to be the preferred sealing element in nearly all industries due to their simple geometry and high s...
V-belt pulleys - Highest precision achieved through top quality
V-belt pulleys - Highest precision achieved through top quality
V-belt pulleys - an important component in any V-belt drive, V-belt pulleys (also known as groove pulleys...)...

Location and contact

AddressLeutschenbachstrasse 55, CH-8050 Zurich

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