

Ornbauer Strasse 10, Weidenbach 91746
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 2000
Employees: 100-199
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60 Product and services

APROVIS Special Applications - Overview of APROVIS products in the field of special applications
APROVIS Special Applications - Overview of APROVIS products in the field of special applications
* High-Temperature Heat Exchangers * Leak Steam Condensers...
High-Temperature Heat Exchanger - The Best System for High Flue Gas TemperaturesNext
High-Temperature Heat Exchanger - The Best System for High Flue Gas Temperatures
What to expect from APROVIS high-temperature heat exchangers: - Transfer to water/thermal oil/air - Abrasion protection for abrasive components in fl...
ActiCo - activated carbon filters - Effective gas purification through activated carbon filtersNext
ActiCo - activated carbon filters - Effective gas purification through activated carbon filters
What you can expect with an APROVIS ActiCo: - Careful gas purification - Reduction of emissions - Damage prevention - Higher operational reliabi...
APROVIS Gas technology - Product overview of APROVIS in the field of gas technology
APROVIS Gas technology - Product overview of APROVIS in the field of gas technology
* FriCon - gas dehumidification * Gas heaters * ActiCo - activated carbon filters * Gas compressors * Process gas heat exchangers...
SCR catalytic converters - Systematic reduction in pollutant levelsNext
SCR catalytic converters - Systematic reduction in pollutant levels
What you can expect from APROVIS SCR catalytic converters: - SCR housing with insulation - Optimised design of the catalytic converter honeycombs ...
APROVIS Special Applications - Summary of APROVIS products in the field of special applications
APROVIS Special Applications - Summary of APROVIS products in the field of special applications
* High-temperature heat exchangers * Steam condensers with leaks...
RCS Catalysts - Systematic Reduction of Harmful SubstancesNext
RCS Catalysts - Systematic Reduction of Harmful Substances
What you can expect with RCS APROVIS catalysts: - RCS housing with insulation - Optimized honeycomb design of the catalyst - Injection section with s...
APROVIS Exhaust gas technology - Product overview of APROVIS in the field of exhaust gas technology
APROVIS Exhaust gas technology - Product overview of APROVIS in the field of exhaust gas technology
* Exhaust gas heat exchangers * Steam generators * Silencers * Oxidation and three-way catalytic converters * SCR catalytic converters/Diesel SCR ...
Oxidation and three-way catalysts - From exhaust gas to low pollutant airNext
Oxidation and three-way catalysts - From exhaust gas to low pollutant air
Advantages offered by APROVIS oxidation and three-way catalysts: - Customized design based on the specific application case - Special design for uniq...
High-temperature heat exchangers - The best system for high flue gas temperaturesNext
High-temperature heat exchangers - The best system for high flue gas temperatures
What you can expect from APROVIS high-temperature heat exchangers: - Transfer to water / thermal oil / air - Abrasion protection for abrasive comp...
Exhaust Gas Heat Exchanger - High Performance for Efficient Industrial Heat UtilizationNext
Exhaust Gas Heat Exchanger - High Performance for Efficient Industrial Heat Utilization
What you can expect from APROVIS exhaust gas heat exchangers: - Efficient hot water production in cogeneration plants - Heating of thermal oil as an e...
Steam Leak Condenser - An Intelligent System for Large Steam TurbinesNext
Steam Leak Condenser - An Intelligent System for Large Steam Turbines
What you can expect from APROVIS steam leak condensers: - Possible use in regenerative and conventional applications - Complete system including blow...
Heat exchangers for process gas - The perfect devices for all gas treatment applicationsNext
Heat exchangers for process gas - The perfect devices for all gas treatment applications
Advantages offered by APROVIS process gas heat exchangers: - Usable at very high or very low temperatures - Operating pressures up to 160 bar - Compa...
SCR Catalysts - Systematic Reduction of PollutantsNext
SCR Catalysts - Systematic Reduction of Pollutants
Features of APROVIS SCR catalysts: - SCR housing with insulation - Optimized design of the cells - Injection section with static mixers - Daily tank ...
Combustion Gas Heat Exchangers - Maximum Performance for Efficient Utilization of Waste HeatNext
Combustion Gas Heat Exchangers - Maximum Performance for Efficient Utilization of Waste Heat
Advantages offered by APROVIS combustion gas heat exchangers: - Efficient generation of hot water in cogeneration plants - Heating of thermal oil as ...

Location and contact

AddressOrnbauer Strasse 10, DE-91746 Weidenbach

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