

Industriestraße 1, Westhausen 73463
Founded: 1959
Employees: 200-499
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38 Product and services

Cleco Dotco Quality Grinders - Cleco Dotco Quality Grinders for Industrial Surface PreparationNext
Cleco Dotco Quality Grinders - Cleco Dotco Quality Grinders for Industrial Surface Preparation
Precision Known for their performance, dependability and versatility, the Dotco brand is viewed as the premier line of surface-preparation tools in ...
Software Solutions - Software Solutions, Streamlined Production Management
Software Solutions - Software Solutions, Streamlined Production Management
Cleco Software Solutions is a scalable software suite that equips you with critical production data and application management tools allowing you to m...
Cleco Gear Sander - Cleco Dotco Gear Sander for Surface PreparationNext
Cleco Gear Sander - Cleco Dotco Gear Sander for Surface Preparation
Ergonomic: • The Soft Grip handle reduces vibrations • Rear exhaust directs air away from the user • Lever trigger for comfortable use and reduced fat...
Cleco Orbital Sander - Cleco Dotco orbital sander for industrial applications
Cleco Orbital Sander - Cleco Dotco orbital sander for industrial applications
• Disk size 3" x 8" (70 mm x 198 mm) • Standard with vinyl surface disk for adhesive-backed abrasives • 1/8" orbital structure for a perfect finish • ...
Cleco NeoTek - Cleco NeoTekNext
Cleco NeoTek - Cleco NeoTek
The Cleco® NeoTek™ fastening system is the next generation of smart tool solutions. The NeoTek 30 and 50 series tools have angle heads that were engin...
Cleco Random Orbital Sanders - Cleco Dotco Random Orbital Sanders for Industrial ApplicationsNext
Cleco Random Orbital Sanders - Cleco Dotco Random Orbital Sanders for Industrial Applications
Ergonomic: • Embedded lever to eliminate any pinch points • The comfort handle absorbs vibrations and the ergonomic wrist support enhances feel and in...
Cleco® Vertical Grinders - Vertical Grinders 2100/3000 W for Applications with Maximum Material Removal RatesNext
Cleco® Vertical Grinders - Vertical Grinders 2100/3000 W for Applications with Maximum Material Removal Rates
Quality, ergonomics, and performance are the main features of the new Cleco® vertical grinders. For grinding applications with maximum material remova...
Cleco NeoTek Angle ScrewdriverNext
Cleco NeoTek Angle Screwdriver
The Cleco® NeoTek™ clamping system represents the next generation of tools in terms of smart solutions. The right-angle heads of the NeoTek 30 and 50 ...

Location and contact

AddressIndustriestraße 1, DE-73463 Westhausen

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