

Langmaar 12, Mönchengladbach 41238
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85 Product and services

Diva Disinfecting Laundry Powder 1000g - Cleaning - Care
Diva Disinfecting Laundry Powder 1000g - Cleaning - Care
DIVA Universal Laundry Detergent Powder Disinfecting laundry detergent cleans and disinfects at the same time DIVA laundry powder is a high-quality un...
Honor Shower Gel 1 L - Cosmetics
Honor Shower Gel 1 L - Cosmetics
A delight for bath and shower. This enchanting shower gel transforms bathing and showering into a beauty ritual full of grace and femininity. Its ligh...
POWER XXL Universal Detergent 7.5 kg - Cleaning - Care
POWER XXL Universal Detergent 7.5 kg - Cleaning - Care
The product starts to demonstrate its excellent washing performance at just 30 °C and can be used up to 95 °C, suitable for hand washing as well as fo...
ARRIVA Universal Detergent 10kg - Cleaning - Care
ARRIVA Universal Detergent 10kg - Cleaning - Care
30°, 40°, 60°, 95°C active factor Our TEST WINNER - GOOD always available, standard item 100 pcs. / pallet x 24 pallets = 2,400 packages x 10 kg = 2...
TAPPO Detergent 6 kg - Cleaning - Care
TAPPO Detergent 6 kg - Cleaning - Care
The product starts to demonstrate its excellent washing performance at just 30 °C and can be used up to 95 °C, suitable for hand washing as well as fo...
FINALE Detergent 25 kg - Cleaning - Care
FINALE Detergent 25 kg - Cleaning - Care
The product develops its excellent washing performance starting at 30 °C and can be used up to 95 °C, suitable for hand washing as well as for all was...
DIVA Hand and Machine Washing Powder - Cleaning - Care
DIVA Hand and Machine Washing Powder - Cleaning - Care
DIVA Universal Laundry Detergent Powder DIVA laundry powder is a high-quality universal detergent that contains a stain remover and is suitable for a...
Prima Auto Shampoo 500ml - Car Care
Prima Auto Shampoo 500ml - Car Care
Prima Shampoo for gentle cleaning of the vehicle. Our car shampoo creates a fine lubricating film between the washing material and the vehicle surface...
Prima Windshield & Mirror Cleaner - Car Care
Prima Windshield & Mirror Cleaner - Car Care
Effective cleaning agent for glass surfaces, both in cars and at home. For glass panes, mirrors, and tiles. Leaves no streaks and causes no reflection...
Quirly Universal Detergent 1.5 L - Cleaning - Care
Quirly Universal Detergent 1.5 L - Cleaning - Care
The universal all-purpose detergent effectively removes even tough stains, contains limescale protection, stain remover, fabric softener, and is phosp...
PREMIUM ONE Universal Detergent 6 kg - Cleaning - Care
PREMIUM ONE Universal Detergent 6 kg - Cleaning - Care
The product achieves its excellent washing performance starting from 30 °C and is usable up to 95 °C, suitable for hand washing as well as for all was...
PREMIUM ONE Universal Detergent 7.5 kg - Cleaning - Care
PREMIUM ONE Universal Detergent 7.5 kg - Cleaning - Care
The product starts to demonstrate its excellent washing performance at just 30 °C and can be used up to 95 °C, suitable for hand washing as well as fo...
BONUS GOLD Color - Detergent 25 kg - Cleaning - Care
BONUS GOLD Color - Detergent 25 kg - Cleaning - Care
The product develops its excellent washing performance starting from 30 °C and can be used up to 95 °C, suitable for hand washing as well as for all w...
CARAT Universal Detergent 25 kg - Cleaning - Care
CARAT Universal Detergent 25 kg - Cleaning - Care
The product starts to demonstrate its excellent washing performance at temperatures as low as 30 °C and can be used up to 90 °C, suitable for hand was...
Honor Wellness Body Scrub 500 ml - Cosmetics
Honor Wellness Body Scrub 500 ml - Cosmetics
The pampering treatment for body, skin, and soul. Body scrub with pure natural sea salt and invigorating orange scent. Cleanses the skin deeply and g...

Location and contact

AddressLangmaar 12, DE-41238 Mönchengladbach

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