Kirchstrasse 40, Antrifttal 36326
Founded: 1989
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About us
Distribution of liquid plastic systems based on polyurethane and epoxy

5 Product and services

Natural River Pebbles
Natural River Pebbles
Hybrid-free river pebbles as natural gravel for decorative surfaces, drainage fillings, etc. With our washed and dried river pebbles, you can create ...
Glass Granulate
Glass Granulate
With our polyurethane-colored glass granules, you can create decorative surfaces to your liking. Add special highlights with vibrant colors! Whether ...
Aquasmart Paint® 2K Polyurethane Paint
Aquasmart Paint® 2K Polyurethane Paint
Water-based anti-carbonization paint for indoor & outdoor use...
Marble Granulate
Marble Granulate
As a decorative covering for horizontal and vertical applications With our natural marble, you can create decorative coverings as you wish. Whether i...
Lava Granulate
Lava Granulate
Genuine Volcanic Rock as Decorative Coating for Horizontal/Vertical Applications With our exclusive lava granulate, you can create decorative coating...

Location and contact

AddressKirchstrasse 40, DE-36326 Antrifttal
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