

FSM Mah. Akcan Sok. No:2 Sariyer, Istanbul 34470
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 2018
Employees: 5-9
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6 Product and services

Allezz Roasted Red Sauce
Allezz Roasted Red Sauce
A gourmet and chef style sauce made with roasted tomatoes, roasted capia peppers, roasted garlic, date molasses, thyme, tomato paste, sunflower oil, b...
Allezz Pickled Oyster Mushrooms
Allezz Pickled Oyster Mushrooms
A unique and gourmet product made with fresh oyster mushrooms – (produced and collected from our farms), garlic, honey, apple cider vinegar and salt.
Allezz Roasted Hot Pepper Sauce
Allezz Roasted Hot Pepper Sauce
A gourmet style very delicious and hot chilli sauce made with roasted capia peppers, sun dried hot chilli peppers, garlic, honey and salt and fermente...
Allezz Pickled Red Onion
Allezz Pickled Red Onion
It is a special – gourmet style and handmade pickle which is made with Red (purple) Onion, Honey, Apple cider vinegar, black peppercorn, thyme, coria...
Allezz Caramelized Onion
Allezz Caramelized Onion
A gourmet style caramelized onion made with onions, sunflower oil, balsamic vinegar, honey and salt cooked up to %90 to remain its own juices and cons...
Allezz Beetroot Relish
Allezz Beetroot Relish
A gourmet and chef style condiment made with roasted beetroot, roasted onion, date molasses, cumin, allspice, sunflower oil, apple cider vinegar and ...

Keywords2 keywords

Payment methods

SWIFT transfer
Credit card

Payment terms

COD - Cash on Delivery

Available type of delivery (incoterms)


Location and contact

AddressFSM Mah. Akcan Sok. No:2 Sariyer, TR-34470 Istanbul

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