

Max-Stromeyer-Strasse 120, Konstanz 78467
Founded: 1984
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4 Product and services

Mechanical Air Filter TYPE MFE
Mechanical Air Filter TYPE MFE
Mechanical air filter for the removal of low to medium pollutant concentrations.
Welding Fume Filter Type SF
Welding Fume Filter Type SF
The AIRTECH air filter with extraction arm of the SF series technically corresponds to the MF type with the modular four-filter stage system.
Mechanical Air Filter TYPE MF
Mechanical Air Filter TYPE MF
Mechanical air filters are four-filter systems that filter oil, emulsions, grinding and aerosol mist, smoke, and dust.
Special Versions of Air Filters
Special Versions of Air Filters
Our technicians not only plan and design air filters in standard sizes, but also central extraction systems for entire production lines.

Location and contact

AddressMax-Stromeyer-Strasse 120, DE-78467 Konstanz
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