

Industrial Quarter, Lubor Bayer Street no:11, 8900 nova zagora, sliven, bulgaria, Sliven 8900
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 2021
Employees: 5-9
Supplier type
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About us

39 Product and services

Coarse Bulgur - Turkish origin coarse bulgur
Coarse Bulgur - Turkish origin coarse bulgur
Coarse Bulgur is a form of cracked wheat berry that originated in the ancient Middle East. Wheat berries, often of the durum variety, are hulled and p...
Pounded  Wheat
Pounded Wheat
Split wheat is small particles of wheat grains. It is very popular in indian, Moroccan and mediterranean cuisines.
White Beans (Navy)
White Beans (Navy)
Navy type white beans, well cleaned in our facilities.
Coriander (Whole)
Coriander (Whole)
Well cleaned and calibrated in our facility. Iy is used in a variety of Asian cuisines.
White Beans - Dermason, Alubia, Navy type white beans
White Beans - Dermason, Alubia, Navy type white beans
From different origins, well cleaned white beans.
Brown Rice (Cargo)
Brown Rice (Cargo)
Brown rice is a whole grain rice with the inedible outer hull removed. This kind of rice sheds its outer hull or husk but the bran and germ layer rema...
Chickpeas 7mm
Chickpeas 7mm
7mm chickpeans which is cleaned and calibrated in our facility.
Rice (Rapan)
Rice (Rapan)
Rapan type rice which is peeled, cleaned and polished in our facility.
Red Lentils (Football)
Red Lentils (Football)
Red Lentils which is cleaned and ready to consume.
Soft Wheat
Soft Wheat
Well cleaned soft wheat for bakery.
Delivery of cereals and legumes in sacks of desired sizes after complete peeling.
Fine Bulgur
Fine Bulgur
Fine Bulgur (also called "bulghur" or even "bulghul") is a whole-grain product made from hard red winter wheat berries. To make it, hulled wheat kerne...
Onions - Packaged and calibrated Turkish origin onions
Onions - Packaged and calibrated Turkish origin onions
Turkish origin small-medium-big size onions...
Onion (Small Size)
Onion (Small Size)
Small size onions which is long lasting and well preserved in our storages.
Red Beans
Red Beans
Red Beans, well cleaned in our facilities.

Location and contact

AddressIndustrial Quarter, Lubor Bayer Street no:11, 8900 nova zagora, sliven, bulgaria, BG-8900 Sliven

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