

Straubinger Strasse 12, Bremen 28219
Founded: 1956
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22 Product and services

SOFT EST.® 1180 TP
SOFT EST.® 1180 TP
Highly transparent TPE Shore A-80 food-safe With SOFT EST.®, a TPE portfolio has been created specifically for consumer goods applications that can b...
SOFT EST.® 3150 NC
SOFT EST.® 3150 NC
Natural-colored TPE Shore A-50 food-safe With SOFT EST.®, a TPE portfolio has been created specifically for consumer goods applications, which can be...
SOFT EST.® 1150 TP
SOFT EST.® 1150 TP
Highly Transparent TPE Shore A-50 With SOFT EST.®, a TPE portfolio has been specifically created for consumer goods applications, allowing for effici...
SOFT EST.® 4175 NC
SOFT EST.® 4175 NC
Natural-colored TPE Shore A-75 food-safe With SOFT EST.®, a TPE portfolio has been created specifically for consumer goods applications that can be p...
TPE for Medical & Pharmaceutical
TPE for Medical & Pharmaceutical
Thermoplastic elastomers for use in medical and pharmaceutical applications...
SOFT EST.® 2170 TL
SOFT EST.® 2170 TL
Translucent TPE Shore A-70 Food Safe With SOFT EST.®, a TPE portfolio has been created specifically for consumer goods applications, which can be pro...
SOFT EST.® 3120 NC
SOFT EST.® 3120 NC
Natural-colored TPE Shore A-20 food-safe With SOFT EST.®, a TPE portfolio has been created specifically for consumer goods applications that can be p...

Location and contact

AddressStraubinger Strasse 12, DE-28219 Bremen

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