

Le Clos des Passerelles, Lardier Et Valença 05110
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97 Product and services

Lemon Verbena Hydrosol - Cosmetic Hydrosols
Lemon Verbena Hydrosol - Cosmetic Hydrosols
0,00 €
FEF00033 BIO - LIPPIA CITRIODORA The hydrosol is the water enriched with active compounds (which separates from the essential oil through decantation...
Distilled Fig Water - Cosmetic Distilled Waters
Distilled Fig Water - Cosmetic Distilled Waters
0,00 €
BIOCOS - Ficus carica Our expertise in distillation extraction allows us to offer you high-quality cosmetic waters. Fig distilled water is obtained ...
Kiwi Distilled Water - Cosmetic Distilled Waters
Kiwi Distilled Water - Cosmetic Distilled Waters
0,00 €
BIOCOS - Actinidia chinensis Our expertise in extraction through distillation allows us to offer you high-quality cosmetic waters. Kiwi distilled wa...
Vegetable Glycerin 99.5% - Cosmetic Glycerins
Vegetable Glycerin 99.5% - Cosmetic Glycerins
0,00 €
Vegetable Glycerin 99.5% - Cosmetic Glycerins Contains alcohol: No...
SUNFLOWER OIL MACERATE - Cosmetic Oil Macerates
SUNFLOWER OIL MACERATE - Cosmetic Oil Macerates
0,00 €
BIO DAISY OIL - BELLIS PERENNIS Our expertise in natural and certifiable oil extraction processes for the production of biological active ingredients...
Cosmetic Vegetable Oils - Veterinary and Animal
Cosmetic Vegetable Oils - Veterinary and Animal
0,00 €
Our long-standing presence in the market for medicinal aromatic plants allows us to source a wide range of vegetable oils. We always prioritize certif...
SUNFLOWER OIL MACERATE - Cosmetic Oil Macerates
SUNFLOWER OIL MACERATE - Cosmetic Oil Macerates
0,00 €
DW DE LYS BIOCOS - LILIUM CANDIDUM Our expertise in oil extraction through a natural and certifiable process for the creation of biological active in...
GLYCERIN 1DH OF BLOODROOT - Food-grade hydro-alcoholic glycerin extracts
GLYCERIN 1DH OF BLOODROOT - Food-grade hydro-alcoholic glycerin extracts
0,00 €
1L GLASS BOTTLE - CORNUS SANGUINEA Certification: Organic Contains alcohol: Yes Total unit weight (kg gross): 1.535 Density: 1.05 Unit volume in lite...
Food Hydroalcoholic Extracts - Veterinary and Animal
Food Hydroalcoholic Extracts - Veterinary and Animal
We offer our glycerin-based hydroalcoholic extracts (Gemmotherapies) for your production of dietary products, food supplements, and pharmaceuticals. W...
Food Ingredients - Veterinary and Animal
Food Ingredients - Veterinary and Animal
We offer ingredients for dietary and food products. We mainly select natural ingredients that are permitted in certified organic products.
GLYCERIN 1DH HAWTHORN ORGANIC - Food-grade hydro-alcoholic glycerin extracts
GLYCERIN 1DH HAWTHORN ORGANIC - Food-grade hydro-alcoholic glycerin extracts
0,00 €
1L GLASS BOTTLE - CRATAEGUS MONOGYNA Certification: Organic Contains alcohol: Yes Total unit weight (kg gross): 1.535 Density: 1.05 Unit volume in li...
Organic Sea Buckthorn Juice - Food Ingredients
Organic Sea Buckthorn Juice - Food Ingredients
0,00 €
20L pouch Certification: Organic Contains alcohol: No Total unit weight (kg gross): 20 Density: 1 Unit volume in liters: 20...
GLYCERIN 1DH BLACKCURRANT - Food-grade hydro-alcoholic glycerin extracts
GLYCERIN 1DH BLACKCURRANT - Food-grade hydro-alcoholic glycerin extracts
0,00 €
1L GLASS BOTTLE - BLACK CURRANT Certification: Organic Contains alcohol: Yes Total unit weight (kg gross): 1.535 Density: 1.05 Unit volume in liters:...
SUNFLOWER OIL MACERATE - Cosmetic Oil Macerates
SUNFLOWER OIL MACERATE - Cosmetic Oil Macerates
0,00 €
BIO CARROT DW (CO2 EXTRACT) - DAUCUS CAROTA Our expertise in natural and certifiable oil extraction processes for the creation of biological active i...
ORGANIC RED VINE - Food Hydro-Alcoholic Extracts
ORGANIC RED VINE - Food Hydro-Alcoholic Extracts
0,00 €
1L GLASS BOTTLE - VITIS VINIFERA Certification: Organic Contains alcohol: Yes Total unit weight (kg gross): 1.41 Density: 0.92 Unit volume in liters:...

Location and contact

AddressLe Clos des Passerelles, FR-05110 Lardier Et Valença

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