Aarauerstrasse 69, Brugg 5200
Founded: 1998
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About us
We are big enough to successfully solve your tasks related to compressed air and small enough to know you personally. The compressed air team looks forward to the next contacts.

9 Product and services

Blade Series
Blade Series
Blade Series Ultra-efficient. Naturally quiet. Incredibly compact. Great things come in small packages.
Oil-free screw compressor with frequency control Ingersoll Rand
Oil-free screw compressor with frequency control Ingersoll Rand
Oil-free screw compressor with frequency control Ingersoll Rand...
Deltech-Hankison Filter Elements
Deltech-Hankison Filter Elements
with colored caps – for easy differentiation of the separation grades!
Deltech 2000 Filter Elements
Deltech 2000 Filter Elements
The Deltech particle and oil filters and "activated carbon adsorbers" meet the ISO 8753/1 requirements for classes 1 to 5 and provide optimal and econ...
Piston Compressor FIAC
Piston Compressor FIAC
FIAC piston compressors are known for their outstanding long-term quality. Low motor speeds ensure a long lifespan.
Compressed Air Filter
Compressed Air Filter
The MAPRESS piping system is universally applicable and meets high demands regarding stability, temperature, and pressure.
DELTECH Refrigeration Dryer
DELTECH Refrigeration Dryer
The newly developed stainless steel heat exchangers for refrigerant dryers up to 15,000 m³/h meet the highest quality standards.
HIROSS Filter Elements
HIROSS Filter Elements
Parker Hiross has continuously improved the filter housings and the filter media.
Hankinson Filter Elements
Hankinson Filter Elements
The Hankison particle and oil filters and "activated carbon adsorbers" meet the ISO 8753/1 requirements of classes 1 to 5 and provide optimal and econ...

Location and contact

AddressAarauerstrasse 69, CH-5200 Brugg
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