

Raiffeisenstrasse 7, Augsburg 86167
Founded: 1991
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12 Product and services

Thermal Labels
Thermal Labels
... provide the opportunity, in conjunction with appropriate thermal direct printing systems, to print individual information such as barcodes or addr...
Semi-Automatic Round Labeling System DWR
Semi-Automatic Round Labeling System DWR
Semi-automatic wrap-around labeling system for cylindrical products. Labeling with a wrap-around label or with front and back labeling is possible.
Labeling Table
Labeling Table
The labeling table is a very flexible semi-automatic labeling system for full wrap labeling of cylindrical and rectangular products. Flexibly adjustab...
Labels with Special Materials
Labels with Special Materials
... offer optimal solutions for various requirements. This particularly attention-grabbing label category includes adhesive labels with different adh...
Paper Adhesive Labels
Paper Adhesive Labels
...are suitable for a variety of applications in the food, industrial, retail, and service sectors. They can be implemented in various weights and bas...
Film Labels
Film Labels
... offer a wide range of different material thicknesses and variations. Renowned companies, including contract fillers and contract packers, trust u...
Fully Automatic Labeling Systems
Fully Automatic Labeling Systems
... enable various labeling types as a standalone system or as an integrated part of the production line. In round labeling, top labeling, bottom la...
Multi-layer Labels (Peel-off Labels)
Multi-layer Labels (Peel-off Labels)
... provide ample space for information and added value. Here, the label consists of multiple layers. The lower layer is covered by an upper layer th...
Round Labeling Machine AP360e and AP362e
Round Labeling Machine AP360e and AP362e
The AP360e is a semi-automatic labeling machine designed for easy all-around labeling of cylindrical or conical products (e.g., wine bottles; spray bo...
Label Dispenser LD-100 / LD-200
Label Dispenser LD-100 / LD-200
The LD-100 / LD-200 label dispenser is a semi-automatic label dispenser that simplifies the manual removal of roll labels.
Automatic Label Dispenser Table Dispenser 6016 / 6017
Automatic Label Dispenser Table Dispenser 6016 / 6017
It is a reliable and powerful device that dispenses labels from a roll and prepares them for manual application. The backing paper is automatically wo...
Label Roll Winder
Label Roll Winder
With the label roll winder, you can wind adhesive labels back onto a core into a label roll after thermal transfer printing.

Company images

Adhesive labelsThermal transfer filmsLabel dispenserLabeling table/Semi-automaticLabeling systemsDispenser/Tabletop DeviceLabel dispenserRundumetikettiergerät

Location and contact

AddressRaiffeisenstrasse 7, DE-86167 Augsburg

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