

32 JUBILEE DRIVE, Loughborough LE11 5XS
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4943 Product and services

M14 x 55mm Partially Threaded Hex Head Bolt Stainless Steel  - A2Z1532_M14x55mm_PK1
M14 x 55mm Partially Threaded Hex Head Bolt Stainless Steel - A2Z1532_M14x55mm_PK1
4,66 €
M14 x 55mm Partially Threaded Hex Head Bolt Stainless Steel A2 - DIN 931. A wide range of Stainless Steel fasteners including Hexagon Head High Tensil...
M8 - 8mm Flanged Nyloc Nuts Bright Zinc Plated Grade 8 DIN 6 - A2Z1543_M8_PK1
M8 - 8mm Flanged Nyloc Nuts Bright Zinc Plated Grade 8 DIN 6 - A2Z1543_M8_PK1
0,98 €
M8 - 8mm Flanged Nyloc Nuts Bright Zinc Plated Grade 8 DIN 6926. A wide range of Bright Zinc Plated fasteners including Flanged Nuts Bright Zinc Plate...
M8 x 75mm Countersunk Allen Key Bolts Socket Screws Stainles - A2Z1506_M8x75mm_PK1
M8 x 75mm Countersunk Allen Key Bolts Socket Screws Stainles - A2Z1506_M8x75mm_PK1
2,29 €
M8 x 75mm Countersunk Allen Key Bolts Socket Screws Stainless Steel A2 - DIN 7991. A wide range of Stainless Steel fasteners including Countersunk All...
M20 x 150mm Allen Cap Head Bolts Socket Screws Stainless Ste - A2Z1505_M20x150mm_PK1
M20 x 150mm Allen Cap Head Bolts Socket Screws Stainless Ste - A2Z1505_M20x150mm_PK1
26,61 €
M20 x 150mm Allen Cap Head Bolts Socket Screws Stainless Steel A2 - DIN 912. A wide range of Stainless Steel fasteners including Allen Cap Head Screws...
M10 x 25mm Button Head Allen Key Socket Screws Stainless Ste - A2Z1512_M10x25mm_PK1
M10 x 25mm Button Head Allen Key Socket Screws Stainless Ste - A2Z1512_M10x25mm_PK1
1,64 €
M10 x 25mm Button Head Allen Key Socket Screws Stainless Steel A2 - ISO 7380. A wide range of Stainless Steel fasteners including Button Head Allen Sc...
M12 x 100mm Set Screws Hex Bolts Stainless Steel A2 - DIN 93 - A2Z1501_M12x100mm_PK1
M12 x 100mm Set Screws Hex Bolts Stainless Steel A2 - DIN 93 - A2Z1501_M12x100mm_PK1
4,81 €
M12 x 100mm Set Screws Hex Bolts Stainless Steel A2 - DIN 933. A wide range of Stainless Steel fasteners including Hexagon Head Set Screws Stainless S...
M20 x 35mm Set Screws Hex Bolts Stainless Steel A2 - DIN 933 - A2Z1501_M20x35mm_PK1
M20 x 35mm Set Screws Hex Bolts Stainless Steel A2 - DIN 933 - A2Z1501_M20x35mm_PK1
6,86 €
M20 x 35mm Set Screws Hex Bolts Stainless Steel A2 - DIN 933. A wide range of Stainless Steel fasteners including Hexagon Head Set Screws Stainless St...
M12 x 90mm Set Screws Hex Bolts Stainless Steel A2 - DIN 933 - A2Z1501_M12x90mm_PK1
M12 x 90mm Set Screws Hex Bolts Stainless Steel A2 - DIN 933 - A2Z1501_M12x90mm_PK1
4,15 €
M12 x 90mm Set Screws Hex Bolts Stainless Steel A2 - DIN 933. A wide range of Stainless Steel fasteners including Hexagon Head Set Screws Stainless St...
M10 x 12mm Allen Cap Head Bolts Socket Screws High Tensile B - A2Z1605_M10x12mm_PK1
M10 x 12mm Allen Cap Head Bolts Socket Screws High Tensile B - A2Z1605_M10x12mm_PK1
1,25 €
M10 x 12mm Allen Cap Head Bolts Socket Screws High Tensile Black 12.9 DIN 912. A wide range of Steel Self Colour fasteners including Allen Cap Head Sc...
M30 x 140mm Set Screw Hexagon Hex Bolt High Tensile Bright Z - A2Z1529_M30x140mm_PK1
M30 x 140mm Set Screw Hexagon Hex Bolt High Tensile Bright Z - A2Z1529_M30x140mm_PK1
29,81 €
M30 x 140mm Set Screw Hexagon Hex Bolt High Tensile Bright Zinc Plated - DIN 933. A wide range of Bright Zinc Plated fasteners including Hexagon Head ...
M4 - 4mm Allen Key Hex Short Arm Wrenches Steel Self Colour  - A2Z1527_M4_PK1
M4 - 4mm Allen Key Hex Short Arm Wrenches Steel Self Colour - A2Z1527_M4_PK1
1,53 €
M4 - 4mm Allen Key Hex Short Arm Wrenches Steel Self Colour - DIN 911. A wide range of Steel Self Colour fasteners including Allen Key Hex Short Arm W...
M24 x 450mm Partially Threaded Hex Bolt High Tensile Bright  - A2Z1531_M24x450mm_PK1
M24 x 450mm Partially Threaded Hex Bolt High Tensile Bright - A2Z1531_M24x450mm_PK1
167,25 €
M24 x 450mm Partially Threaded Hex Bolt High Tensile Bright Zinc Plated - DIN 931. A wide range of Bright Zinc Plated fasteners including Hexagon Head...
M2 x 5mm Countersunk Slotted Machine Screws Staineless Steel - A2Z1509_M2x5mm_PK1
M2 x 5mm Countersunk Slotted Machine Screws Staineless Steel - A2Z1509_M2x5mm_PK1
0,07 €
M2 x 5mm Countersunk Slotted Machine Screws Staineless Steel A2 - DIN 963. A wide range of Stainless Steel fasteners including Countersunk Slotted Mac...
M2 x 4mm Countersunk Pozi Machine Screws Stainless Steel A2  - A2Z1511_M2x4mm_PK1
M2 x 4mm Countersunk Pozi Machine Screws Stainless Steel A2 - A2Z1511_M2x4mm_PK1
0,11 €
M2 x 4mm Countersunk Pozi Machine Screws Stainless Steel A2 - DIN 965. A wide range of Stainless Steel fasteners including Countersunk Pozi Machine Sc...
M12 x 50mm Partially Threaded Hex Bolt High Tensile Bright Z - A2Z1531_M12x50mm_PK1
M12 x 50mm Partially Threaded Hex Bolt High Tensile Bright Z - A2Z1531_M12x50mm_PK1
1,51 €
M12 x 50mm Partially Threaded Hex Bolt High Tensile Bright Zinc Plated - DIN 931. A wide range of Bright Zinc Plated fasteners including Hexagon Head ...

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Location and contact

Address32 JUBILEE DRIVE, GB-LE11 5XS Loughborough

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