

32 JUBILEE DRIVE, Loughborough LE11 5XS
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4943 Product and services

M16 x 95mm Partially Threaded Hex Head Bolt Stainless Steel  - A2Z1532_M16x95mm_PK1
M16 x 95mm Partially Threaded Hex Head Bolt Stainless Steel - A2Z1532_M16x95mm_PK1
7,54 €
M16 x 95mm Partially Threaded Hex Head Bolt Stainless Steel A2 - DIN 931. A wide range of Stainless Steel fasteners including Hexagon Head High Tensil...
M8 x 70mm Countersunk Allen Key Bolts Socket Screws High Ten - A2Z1606_M8x70mm_PK1
M8 x 70mm Countersunk Allen Key Bolts Socket Screws High Ten - A2Z1606_M8x70mm_PK1
1,48 €
M8 x 70mm Countersunk Allen Key Bolts Socket Screws High Tensile 10.9 DIN 7991. A wide range of Steel Self Colour fasteners including Countersunk Alle...
M16 x 50mm Allen Grub Cup Point Socket Screws High Tensile B - A2Z1604_M16x50mm_PK1
M16 x 50mm Allen Grub Cup Point Socket Screws High Tensile B - A2Z1604_M16x50mm_PK1
2,91 €
M16 x 50mm Allen Grub Cup Point Socket Screws High Tensile Black 14.9 DIN 916. A wide range of Steel Self Colour fasteners including Allen Grub Screws...
M27 x 230mm Partially Threaded Hex Bolt High Tensile Bright  - A2Z1531_M27x230mm_PK1
M27 x 230mm Partially Threaded Hex Bolt High Tensile Bright - A2Z1531_M27x230mm_PK1
101,82 €
M27 x 230mm Partially Threaded Hex Bolt High Tensile Bright Zinc Plated - DIN 931. A wide range of Bright Zinc Plated fasteners including Hexagon Head...
M10 x 35mm Set Screw Hexagon Hex Bolt High Tensile Bright Zi - A2Z1529_M10x35mm_PK1
M10 x 35mm Set Screw Hexagon Hex Bolt High Tensile Bright Zi - A2Z1529_M10x35mm_PK1
0,69 €
M10 x 35mm Set Screw Hexagon Hex Bolt High Tensile Bright Zinc Plated - DIN 933. A wide range of Bright Zinc Plated fasteners including Hexagon Head H...
M5 x 80mm Partially Threaded Hex Bolt High Tensile Bright Zi - A2Z1531_M5x80mm_PK1
M5 x 80mm Partially Threaded Hex Bolt High Tensile Bright Zi - A2Z1531_M5x80mm_PK1
0,88 €
M5 x 80mm Partially Threaded Hex Bolt High Tensile Bright Zinc Plated - DIN 931. A wide range of Bright Zinc Plated fasteners including Hexagon Head H...
M24 - 24mm Nyloc Nuts Nylon Insert Nut Type P Galvanised Gra - A2Z1577_M24_PK1
M24 - 24mm Nyloc Nuts Nylon Insert Nut Type P Galvanised Gra - A2Z1577_M24_PK1
29,07 €
M24 - 24mm Nyloc Nuts Nylon Insert Nut Type P Galvanised Grade 8 DIN 982. A wide range of Galvanised fasteners including Nyloc Nuts Type P Galvanised ...
M8 x 45mm Countersunk Slotted Machine Screws Staineless Stee - A2Z1509_M8x45mm_PK1
M8 x 45mm Countersunk Slotted Machine Screws Staineless Stee - A2Z1509_M8x45mm_PK1
2,37 €
M8 x 45mm Countersunk Slotted Machine Screws Staineless Steel A2 - DIN 963. A wide range of Stainless Steel fasteners including Countersunk Slotted Ma...
M30 x 250mm Partially Threaded Hex Bolt High Tensile Bright  - A2Z1531_M30x250mm_PK1
M30 x 250mm Partially Threaded Hex Bolt High Tensile Bright - A2Z1531_M30x250mm_PK1
123,62 €
M30 x 250mm Partially Threaded Hex Bolt High Tensile Bright Zinc Plated - DIN 931. A wide range of Bright Zinc Plated fasteners including Hexagon Head...
M4 - 4mm Wing Nuts Butterfly Nuts Bright Zinc Plated Grade 4 - A2Z1521_M4_PK1
M4 - 4mm Wing Nuts Butterfly Nuts Bright Zinc Plated Grade 4 - A2Z1521_M4_PK1
0,44 €
M4 - 4mm Wing Nuts Butterfly Nuts Bright Zinc Plated Grade 4 DIN 315. A wide range of Bright Zinc Plated fasteners including Wing Nuts Bright Zinc Pla...
M18 - 18mm Dome Nuts Hex Head Cap Nuts Stainless Steel A2 -  - A2Z1514_M18_PK1
M18 - 18mm Dome Nuts Hex Head Cap Nuts Stainless Steel A2 - - A2Z1514_M18_PK1
8,26 €
M18 - 18mm Dome Nuts Hex Head Cap Nuts Stainless Steel A2 - DIN 1587. A wide range of Stainless Steel fasteners including Dome Nuts Stainless Steel DI...
M12 - 12mm Hex Full Nuts Hexagon Hex Full Nut Galvanised Gra - A2Z1576_M12_PK1
M12 - 12mm Hex Full Nuts Hexagon Hex Full Nut Galvanised Gra - A2Z1576_M12_PK1
0,82 €
M12 - 12mm Hex Full Nuts Hexagon Hex Full Nut Galvanised Grade 8 DIN 934. A wide range of Galvanised fasteners including Full Nuts Galvanised Grade 8 ...
M2.5 x 5mm Allen Key Cup Point Grub Socket Screws Stainless  - A2Z1507_M2.5x5mm_PK1
M2.5 x 5mm Allen Key Cup Point Grub Socket Screws Stainless - A2Z1507_M2.5x5mm_PK1
0,28 €
M2.5 x 5mm Allen Key Cup Point Grub Socket Screws Stainless Steel A2 - DIN 916. A wide range of Stainless Steel fasteners including Allen Grub Screws ...
M6 x 25mm Penny Repair Washers Mudgaurd Washer Bright Zinc P - A2Z1524_M6x25mm_PK1
M6 x 25mm Penny Repair Washers Mudgaurd Washer Bright Zinc P - A2Z1524_M6x25mm_PK1
0,25 €
M6 x 25mm Penny Repair Washers Mudgaurd Washer Bright Zinc Plated . A wide range of Bright Zinc Plated fasteners including Penny Washers Bright Zinc P...
M39 x 140mm Allen Cap Head Bolts Socket Screws High Tensile  - A2Z1605_M39x140mm_PK1
M39 x 140mm Allen Cap Head Bolts Socket Screws High Tensile - A2Z1605_M39x140mm_PK1
173,63 €
M39 x 140mm Allen Cap Head Bolts Socket Screws High Tensile Black 12.9 DIN 912. A wide range of Steel Self Colour fasteners including Allen Cap Head S...

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Location and contact

Address32 JUBILEE DRIVE, GB-LE11 5XS Loughborough

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