Briesener Zergoweg 0, Lübben (spreewald) 15907
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About us
Rental, repair, service, and sale of pumps of all kinds (e.g., groundwater lowering pumps, sewage pumps including DDR pumps, UPL pumps, garden pumps ORPU, etc.).

8 Product and services

Flax suction technology / Flax suction pumps
Flax suction technology / Flax suction pumps
With our flat suction technology, you can completely pump out liquids. The pumping works optimally with our flat suction mat and with a diaphragm or a...
Dewatering Systems - Groundwater Lowering
Dewatering Systems - Groundwater Lowering
Reduction of iron content in groundwater - Oxidation of the drainage is significantly reduced - Flora and fauna are preserved - The lifespan of an in...
400V Electric Motor for SK32/2 Three-Phase New
400V Electric Motor for SK32/2 Three-Phase New
Electric motor for 400V SK32/2 High-quality aluminum housing kW 1.1 TYPE T1A 90S/4...
Diaphragm Pump
Diaphragm Pump
Self-priming diaphragm pump with gasoline engine...
Sludge Pump
Sludge Pump
Flow rate: max. 99m³/h Lift height: max. 14.8m Motor: 4kW Pressure outlet: 80mm Passage: 30mm Weight: 113 kg The special slurry pump made of solid ca...
230V Electric Motor for SK32/2 Alternating Current
230V Electric Motor for SK32/2 Alternating Current
Electric motor for 230V SK32/2 High-quality aluminum housing kW 1.1 TYPE MY 90S/4...
Soundproof Emergency Generator for Rent
Soundproof Emergency Generator for Rent
Frequency 50 Hz Max. Power ESP 20 – 100 kVA Voltage 400 / 230 V Motor Type Diesel Protective grille for fan and rotating parts Machine-welded base fr...
Centrifugal Pump ORPU SK 32/3 without Motor Garden Pump/Centrifugal Pump New
Centrifugal Pump ORPU SK 32/3 without Motor Garden Pump/Centrifugal Pump New
Areas of Application: •Water Supply •Irrigation, Rainwater Utilization •Industrial Applications Key Features •Cast Iron Housing •Brass Impellers •Sha...

Location and contact

AddressBriesener Zergoweg 0, DE-15907 Lübben (spreewald)

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