

Slobozhanskyi Avenue 20, Dnipro 49081
Delivery: Europe
Founded: 1890
Employees: 1000+
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5 Product and services

Movable fence
Movable fence
In order to ensure the reliability of mobile fences "Dneprometiz" was the first in Ukraine to apply the latest technology of pre-processing of galvani...
3D fence-panels - 3D fence-panels: "light edition", "standart edition", “exttra sttrong”
3D fence-panels - 3D fence-panels: "light edition", "standart edition", “exttra sttrong”
To ensure the reliability and durability of sectional fences, Dneprometiz was the first in Ukraine to use the latest technology of pre-processing of g...
D-Fence industrial protection fence "PRO-TECT"
D-Fence industrial protection fence "PRO-TECT"
In order to ensure the reliability and durability of sectional fences, "Dneprometiz" was the first in Ukraine to use the latest technology for the pre...
Steel low-carbon zinc-coated wire  - Steel low-carbon zinc-coated wire and steel wire zinc-aluminum coated
Steel low-carbon zinc-coated wire - Steel low-carbon zinc-coated wire and steel wire zinc-aluminum coated
Galvanized wire has a zinc coating, which has anti-corrosion purpose. The combination of the strength of steel with reliable protection against corros...
2D Fence panels - "standart edition", "exstra edition", "light edition", "Anticlimb"
2D Fence panels - "standart edition", "exstra edition", "light edition", "Anticlimb"
To ensure the reliability and durability of sectional fences, Dneprometiz was the first in Ukraine to use the latest technology of pre-processing of g...

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Location and contact

AddressSlobozhanskyi Avenue 20, UA-49081 Dnipro
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