

Za SABLA-NORD, Illats 33720
Delivery: National
Founded: 1989
Employees: 20-49
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31 Product and services

Kits for motorhome shelters and garages - Modular double-pitched shelter kit Car’Bone B48
Kits for motorhome shelters and garages - Modular double-pitched shelter kit Car’Bone B48
0,00 €
Mékabat, a manufacturer of motorhome shelters and carports, has developed a wide range of garages, from the most modest to the most luxurious. Our man...
Modular partitions - for building layout
Modular partitions - for building layout
0,00 €
Modular partitions are used to organize industrial buildings. The partition elements are made from insulated sandwich panels, and the modularity of th...
Cladding Sheet - Used
Cladding Sheet - Used
4,60 €
Slightly damaged boards White, sand, green. Ideal for pigeon hides stock visible on site...
Anti-condensation roofing sheets
Anti-condensation roofing sheets
0,00 €
Galvadrain eliminates all condensation inside buildings. Its revolutionary absorption capacity makes it ideal for stables. WARNING: It is necessary t...
0,00 €
We are manufacturers of MEKABAT metal kit structures that are delivered directly from the factory with plans allowing individuals or businesses to ass...
Cladding Sheets - Roof Covering, Declassified, End of Series
Cladding Sheets - Roof Covering, Declassified, End of Series
5,30 €
Lengths from 2 to 6m wide choice of colors...
KITS FOR CAMPER VAN SHELTERS AND GARAGES - Modular double-pitched shelter kit Car’Bone B48
KITS FOR CAMPER VAN SHELTERS AND GARAGES - Modular double-pitched shelter kit Car’Bone B48
0,00 €
Span 4.030 m Bay 8.112 m Height of the eaves 3100 Slope 21 % BASE BUILDING 4.030x8.112 Double slope shelter 32.69 m² in kit (framework+covering) Scr...
Sandwich panel - downgraded or used
Sandwich panel - downgraded or used
18,00 €
Thickness 150 cladding, price per m² 2 available in 7m available unless sold in the meantime...
Tile-Effect Cladding SheetsNext
Tile-Effect Cladding Sheets
0,00 €
Tile-effect roofing sheets are used for the renovation or construction of garden sheds or larger buildings when the environment does not permit indust...
Sandwich Cladding Panels
Sandwich Cladding Panels
0,00 €
Cladding and roofing sheets represent a very important additional sale for a distributor. Profiled sheets are increasingly used in domestic sectors, a...
Roofing Tiles - Red Tile
Roofing Tiles - Red Tile
5,50 €
important lots in all dimensions...
Industrial and Agricultural Kit BuildingsNext
Industrial and Agricultural Kit Buildings
0,00 €
For over 25 years, our company has been engaged in the manufacturing and distribution of kit buildings, warehouses, and agricultural shelters. Our mod...
Used metal roofing sheet
Used metal roofing sheet
4,30 €
Attention: stock is very variable, sale only on-site.
Used Building - Steel Frame
Used Building - Steel Frame
3.900,00 €
Sold by INTERMAT 05 56 27 23 32 width: 8 m length: 15 m Frame + exhibition cover Without cladding The building is available with a red tile roof. The...
Profiled Sheets - Cladding Sheets 840
Profiled Sheets - Cladding Sheets 840
0,00 €
Transport Transport must be carried out under conditions that protect the products from moisture or wetness. It is important to check the condition o...

Payment methods

SWIFT transfer

Available type of delivery (incoterms)


Location and contact

AddressZa SABLA-NORD, FR-33720 Illats

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