

1 route de condamine, Saint Martin Du Fresne 01430
Employees: 20-49
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8 Product and services

Used with our range of Easyfix intermediate supports, the Easyfix pliers are designed to cut off any excess rod of the intermediate support that exten...
Pastille RT
Pastille RT
The RT Easyfix disc is used with our range of Easyfix intermediate supports as well as our Easyvap vapor barrier system. The RT Easyfix disc guarantee...
Adjustable Easytop Hanger - Vapor Barrier Membrane Fastening Accessory
Adjustable Easytop Hanger - Vapor Barrier Membrane Fastening Accessory
The adjustable Easytop hanger from the Zifort brand is an accessory that allows for the attachment of the vapor barrier membrane between the insulatio...
Easytop Suspended Frame - Installation Accessory for Insulating Converted and Unused Attics
Easytop Suspended Frame - Installation Accessory for Insulating Converted and Unused Attics
The Easytop suspension from the ZIFORT brand is used for insulating both converted and unconverted attics. It helps to maintain the membrane. The Ea...
Easytop Hanger - Installation accessory for securing the vapor barrier membrane
Easytop Hanger - Installation accessory for securing the vapor barrier membrane
The Easytop hanger from the Zifort brand is a mounting accessory that allows you to secure the vapor barrier membrane to the insulation. The Easytop ...
Multiconnect Connector - Installation accessory for metal frame connections
Multiconnect Connector - Installation accessory for metal frame connections
The ZIFORT multi-connect connector is an installation accessory for connecting metal frameworks. It allows for the fixation of metal furring, whether ...
Suspension extension
Suspension extension
Using in conjunction with the Easytop hanger, either fixed or adjustable, the Easytop hanger extension clips between the hanger and the metal furring.
EasyFix Intermediate Supports - for installing insulation from 75 to 200 mm
EasyFix Intermediate Supports - for installing insulation from 75 to 200 mm
Zifort offers a range of intermediate supports, the Easyfix. As their name suggests, they are very easy to install; you simply clip them into the fram...

Location and contact

Address1 route de condamine, FR-01430 Saint Martin Du Fresne

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