

100.Yil Mahallesi Massit Matbaacilar Sitesi 4.Cadde No:122 B, Bagcilar / Istanbul 34040
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 2015
Employees: 20-49
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8 Product and services

Food Boxes - For packaging and transporting of the food
Food Boxes - For packaging and transporting of the food
They are boxes, usually made of cardboard, used for packaging or transporting food and food ingredients. They keep the products you buy in the bake...
Luxury Cardboard Bag - Cardboard Paper Bag for Advertising
Luxury Cardboard Bag - Cardboard Paper Bag for Advertising
CARDBOARD BAG It is an advertising and promotional tool with a wide design area, produced in different sizes and weights, produced from thick cardboa...
Catalogues - Magazine, Catalogue and Brochure
Catalogues - Magazine, Catalogue and Brochure
PUBLICATIONS They are content booklets that are regularly printed and distributed, where you can follow monthly developments, innovations and informa...
Cargo Boxes - Shipping Boxes
Cargo Boxes - Shipping Boxes
It is the indispensable logistics material of e-commerce companies that have become the locomotive of trade in our modern world. It is generally pr...
Agenda, Notebook
Agenda, Notebook
It is a type of notebook with a large number of leaves, usually with a calendar, sometimes without a calendar. It is frequently used in business life,...
Cardboard Bag - Cardboard Paper Bag for Advertising
Cardboard Bag - Cardboard Paper Bag for Advertising
It is an advertising and promotional tool with a wide design area, produced in different sizes and weights, produced from thick cardboard for transpor...
Institutional Advertising - Advertisement of your company with printed materials
Institutional Advertising - Advertisement of your company with printed materials
These are products that reflect your company’s corporate identity to your customer, such as official or unofficial correspondence, visits, and your cu...
Children Books - Publications of Children Books
Children Books - Publications of Children Books
The Children and Youth Library consists of special books prepared to help children satisfy their curiosity and discover life, their environment and th...

Payment methods

SWIFT transfer

Available type of delivery (incoterms)


Location and contact

Address100.Yil Mahallesi Massit Matbaacilar Sitesi 4.Cadde No:122 B, TR-34040 Bagcilar / Istanbul

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