

Xawerego Dunikowskiego 10, Bielsko-Biała 43-300
Founded: 2010
Employees: 20-49
Supplier type
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About us

6 Product and services

Outdoor Games - Outdoor Games for Adults
Outdoor Games - Outdoor Games for Adults
We invite you to take advantage of our professional outdoor game organization services for adults.
Team-building trips - Team-building trips for companies
Team-building trips - Team-building trips for companies
We invite you to take advantage of our professional offer for team-building trips for companies.
Team Building Games - Team Building Games for Adults
Team Building Games - Team Building Games for Adults
We invite you to take advantage of our professional team-building game organization services for companies.
Themed Events - Themed Parties and Evenings
Themed Events - Themed Parties and Evenings
We invite you to take advantage of our professional themed event organization services for companies across Europe.
Team Building Events - Corporate Event Organization
Team Building Events - Corporate Event Organization
We invite you to take advantage of our professional corporate event organization services. We organize team-building events across Europe.
Online Integration - Online Integration for Businesses
Online Integration - Online Integration for Businesses
The largest online integration organization offer in Poland. We warmly invite you.

Location and contact

AddressXawerego Dunikowskiego 10, PL-43-300 Bielsko-Biała
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