

La Voie-Creuse 16, Genève 1202
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About us
The private investigation agency Win SA has been active in information gathering for over 15 years and is one of the leaders in this field in Geneva. Our goal is to make the information you need accessible to you. Our services include: insurance investigations, evidence collection, photo and video documentation, business consulting, online reputation management, strategic intelligence, investigations into theft, fraud, or embezzlement, economic information, and research.

3 Product and services

Office Family Services
Office Family Services
WIN, based in Geneva, offers Office Family services that include business management, domiciliation services, and janitorial services.
Background Check and Pre-Employment Screening
Background Check and Pre-Employment Screening
Private investigator in Geneva, Switzerland. We offer you background checks, verification of diplomas, resumes, and e-reputation as part of your recru...
Insurance Fraud Investigations
Insurance Fraud Investigations
Private investigator in Geneva, Switzerland. We provide you with supportive solutions in combating insurance fraud.

Location and contact

AddressLa Voie-Creuse 16, CH-1202 Genève

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